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The Staff and Faculty Senates hosted a Summer Forum Zoom webinar on Friday, June 26th with a focus on Fall semester planning in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. This event was co-moderated by incoming Faculty Senate Chair, Kadie Otto, and incoming Staff Senate Chair, Ben Pendry. In preparation for the forum, we collected and sorted through 200 questions in advance, and asked a representative set of question to Chancellor Kelli Brown and 14 other administrators as panelists. We also asked questions put forth by the attending audience in the Q&A webinar Zoom feature.

Topics covered included:  face coverings on campus, quarantine, testing and contact tracing, faculty workload, cleaning and sanitation, athletics, teleworking, community and local hospital coordination, and furlough potential, among many others. Both the Faculty and Staff senates hope to offer more such forums before the opening of Fall semester particularly with dealing with issues of inclusive excellence in the University experience and more issues around COVID-19 as plans and state and federal regulations become clearer. Here with a YouTube recording of the forum.