Team Info:

  • Carrboro Elementary
  • Brandy Hutchens
  • Ari, Isabella, Lucy, Lucy

Summary of Novel:

The Invention of Hugo Cabret

In the thrilling novel The invention of Hugo Cabret by Brian Selznick a boy named Hugo Cabret goes on a quest to fix an automaton . The automaton was his father’s. Hugo is an orphan who keeps the time in a train station in London.  Along the way he meets a famous movie star and learns his story. The automaton is a very mysterious figure. His uncle taught him how to wind the clocks to the right time. A little theft has him discover a long lost mystery: Is George Miles dead? Hugo’s mind is mechanical and he learns he like all others learns his place in life. Hugo is keen to discover the automaton’s secret.  When a girl shows him something he feels wonder and is spellbound. Is Gorge Miles alive or dead? Will Hugo’s mechanical mind bring him to a worse or better life? Read this fascinating novel to find out. Hugo will have a adventure of a lifetime. Life will be either easier or harder for Hugo, which will it be?  Hugo’s father found the automaton. Hugo has to steal to survive. Also he has no friends.

Becoming Naomi Leon

This amazing story ( Becoming Naomi Leon by Pam Muños Ryan ) is about a 5th grade girl (Naomi Leon) trying to keep her family together and to find her purpose in life. She has a big adventure with new friends,new places,new discoveries and so much more.  Just a little bit about Naomi is that her parents are divorced and her mom was an alcoholic.  Her mom didn’t treat Naomi right and she didn’t even know where her mom was until she came to her trailer in California.  But then something happens that could be a game changer for Naomi and her family!  Naomi’s mom wanted to take her away with her really mean boyfriend! And with her dad gone she had no control of this. Now she has to find her dad and make things right! And that is just a little of her adventure.   Now go read this amazing story and join her on her adventure to save her family!

Summary of Challenge 2:

In this challenge, we picked Hugo from The Invention of Hugo Cabret and Naomi from Becoming Naomi Leon.  We picked these two because they both have lots of problems with their families in the books.  We decided to have them meet at a therapist’s office to discuss their family problems together.  We made a comic strip to show their discussion.  Here is our  comic strip.  You can see a picture below or click on the link in purple.