Team Info:

  • Carrboro Elementary School
  • Brandy Hutchens
  • Ari, Isabella, Lucy, Lucy
Summary of Novel:

In the novel Wonder, by R.J Palacio the main character is named August Pullman (Auggie). He has a facial deformity or Treacher Collins Syndrome. Unfortunately that affects his social life and has to have many surgeries. One summer Auggie’s mom told his Dad that Auggie got in to Beecher Prep middle school. Auggie overheard this and got very emotional for he had been homeschooled his whole life. A week later he got a tour of the school by three kids who went to that school in elementary. The day that he started school his whole family dropped him off. He said goodbye and entered. He made one friend the first day. During lunch a girl named Summer saw that he was lonely and then she sat next to him. One day Jack Will, one of the kids that gave the tour, walked up to him. Jack stuck with him for the rest of the day. Auggie found out that Jack was a pretty cool dude! Another kid that gave the tour, Julian walked up to Jack and said: “You don’t have to hang out with the freak!” Jack punched him. Auggie and Jack got mean letters from Julian in their lockers. Anyway, there was a nature retreat for the class. Auggie was sort of in the middle about it. It would also be cool to see all of the animals and cool plants. He would have to be with Julian but he could deal with that. The director of the middle school found out about the mean letters Julian was sending. As his punishment he would have to skip the nature retreat! When Auggie heard about this he knew that now he could go! When they got to the nature retreat they had to watch a boring movie. Jack went to pee in the woods. They saw a few 7th graders in the woods. They were threatening and making fun of Auggie. Auggie and Jack ran out of the woods. After the nature retreat nobody stared at or made fun of him again. At graduation he got an award for being who he was. That was the best award he could ever get. This story shows that you should persevere during the hard times and enjoy the good ones.

Summary of Challenge 3:

For Challenge 3, we created a picece of artwork showing Summer from Wonder working to solve the global problem of the deforestation of rainforests.  Summer is working on helping the rainforests because we thought that she would be the kind of person that  notices these big problems (like when Auggie was bullied) and try to help the situation.  In the first rectangle Summer is selling things at a garage sale to earn money for the rainforests. In the second rectangle she is handing in the money to the owner of the rainforest property. She now owns this section of the rainforests.In the third rectangle Summer is now conserving the section of the rainforest so that nobody builds on it.