Team Info:

  • McDougle Elementary School
  • Lisa Myles
  • Elly, Paige, Siena, Sam, Adam, Allison
Summary of Novel:

Wonder, by R.J Palacio, is about a boy named August, also known as Auggie,  who has a facial disorder known as Treacher Collins syndrome.  Throughout the novel, Auggie faces many challenges.  Most of those challenges have everything to do with how his face is different.  At the beginning of the novel, Auggie learns that he will attend Beecher Prep school for his 5th grade year.   He is treated differently in a negative way because of his looks. He has a hard time fitting in with the other kids but he makes a friend named Summer.  She becomes a true friend. Another character, Jack, eventually becomes Auggie’s best friend as they learn about their similarities (which were many) and differences.  In the middle of the novel, the whole 5th grade class goes on a nature retreat and Auggie is bullied by some boys from another school. Jack and some other kids from Auggie’s class stick up for Auggie and because of that more classmates begin to show concern for Auggie. At the end of the novel, Auggie wins an award for being a great student and kid.  Auggie teaches others about kindness and learns to stand up for himself.

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For Challenge 3, we wrote and created a movie called The Great Kindness Challenge.  In the movie, Auggie (Elly)  works with our school guidance counselor (Ms. Patel) and a friend (Paige) to figure out a way to help people be more kind.  Everytime Auggie meets and helps a new person, that person helps to spread kindness to others.  First, Auggie helps a friend at school and then the crossing guard in the community, next a kid in the neighborhood and then a helps a lady find her bags in the town.  Auggie, Paige, Ms. Patel and the other characters hope their kindness spreads across The World.   At the end of our video we used pictures of people showing kindness around the world (the pictures are from Google Images).

Auggie and The Great Kindness Challenge