Water Filtration And Travel

Team Info:

  • Jordan
  • Ricky
  • Gunner

Summary of Novel:

A Long Walk To Water by Linda Sue Park was about the effects of a war in Southern Sudan and how a boy hopes to find his family again. One of effects of the war was he had to leave southern Sudan, deal with his best friend being killed by a lion,and watching his uncle being tied up and shot with his  own gun.  He went from refugee camp to refugee camp all the way to America.  Before he left for America he was forced out of his last refugee camp into crocodile infested lake wile getting shot at.    Years later he returns to his home country to find his dad in a hospital.  He is in the hospital because of all the contaminated water he has been drinking.  Another story in the book is the story of Nya who spends 8 hours a day just to get dirty and muddy water so she does not have time to go to school.   Also her little sister had a sickness from the water. Eventually Salva meets Nya.

The challenge we did was challenge #1.  What we did was we made a filter so she can take it with her to get clean water.   We also made a truck with a trailer so she can get water faster and be able to go to school. Out tracker is solar powered. The problem we are solving is  how Nya spends 8 hours getting water so she doesn’t not have any time to go to school. The way our filter works is the water goes through the layer of mesh then it filters out the dirt ,mud and all the unhealthy material in the lake.