Solve World Problems:

Students are encouraged to think about a World Problem and come up with a creative, novel invention to help solve that problem. 
Follow the tutorial for adding a World Solution, and your video will appear on this page below. Let your creativity flow!

Pop-Up Challenge #1  Wildfires in Australia

Right now, the wildfires in Australia are raging, destroying homes and habitats for animals.  What should or could we be doing to help bring relief?

This article discusses how one charity is working to provide food for wallabies and other animals in need:

For this Pop-Up Challenge, have your students generate a possible solution to problems Australia is facing.  They can jot down their ideas and include pictures or videos if they like.  Create a new post, and then set the ‘category’ for the post to the SolveWorldProblems category. This will make the post appear on this page.  Click on tutorials for extra guidance.