College of Arts & Sciences

Anthropology & Sociology
Dr. Jessica Casimir 
Assistant Professor
Anthropology and Sociology 

Casimir, J. (Panelist), Doyle, N. (Panelist), Hayden, J. (Panelist), Mensah, T. L. A. T. (Panelist), Bego, I. (Moderator), Global Spotlight Panel on Global Gender & Sexuality, “Sex Work & Care Work: The Feminization of Poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa,” WCU Campus, Cullowhee, NC. 

Casimir, J. (Presenter & Author), 2024 SWS Winter Meeting, “Beyond Reproductive Health Justice: Unraveling the Complexities of Disability in Reproductive Practice,” Sociologists for Women in Society, Santa Ana Pueblo, NM. 

Dr. Jane Eastman
Associate Professor
Anthropology and Sociology 

Riggs, B. H. (Presenter & Author), Eastman, J. M. (Presenter & Author), Anthropology and Sociology Brown Bag series, “Recent Research at Watauga Town: A Collaborative Approach to Preservation and Discovery,” Anthropology and Sociology Department. 

Eastman, J. M. (Presenter & Author), 77th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Archaeological Conference, “Tali Tsisgwayahi (Two Sparrows Town) and the Cullowhee Mound: Observations on a Cherokee Landscape,” Durham, NC. 

Riggs, B. H. (Presenter & Author), Eastman, J. M. (Presenter & Author), Hoover, K. (Presenter Only), Waitt, K. (Presenter & Author), Yerka, S. (Presenter & Author), 77th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Archaeological Conference, “Geophysics and Community Plan at Watauga (31MA89), a post Contact Cherokee Town,” Durham, NC. 

Eastman, J. M., “Seeking a Cherokee Perspective on the Location of Tali Tsisqwayahi, the Cullowhee Mound Site.,” Office of State Archaeology 2020 Lecture Series, NC Department of Cultural Resources, Western Office, Asheville, NC. 

Eastman, J. M. (Presenter & Author), Riggs, B. H. (Author Only), Southeastern Archaeological Conference, “A Cherokee Cosmoscape in Southwestern North Carolina (Part I),” Southeastern Archaeological Conference, Chattanooga Downtown Marriott and Convention Center, Chattanooga, TN. 

Riggs, B. H. (Presenter & Author), Eastman, J. M. (Author Only), Southeastern Archaeological Conference, “A Cherokee Cosmoscape in Southwestern North Carolina (Part II),” Southeastern Archaeological Conference, Chattanooga Downtown Marriott and Convention Center, Chattanooga, TN. 

Eastman, J. M. (Presenter & Author), Riggs, B. H. (Presenter & Author), North Carolina Archaeological Society Annual Meeting, “Astronomical Landscapes in Western North Carolina,” North Carolina Archaeological Society, Warren Wilson College, Swannanoa, NC. 

Eastman, J. M. (Presenter & Author), Riggs, B. H. (Presenter & Author), Zahner Conservation Lecture Series, “Archaeoastronomy in Southwestern North Carolina,” WCU Highlands Biological Station, WCU Highlands Biological Station. 

Riggs, B. H. (Presenter & Author), Eastman, J. M. (Presenter & Author), Steere, B. A. (Presenter & Author), 2nd Annual Teach What You Know, Share What You Have Conference, “Guided Tour and On-Site Presentations at Cowee, Watauga, and Nikwasi,” Kituwah Preservation and Education Program, Cowee, Watauga, and Nikwasi mound sites, Franklin, NC. 

Exhibits and Performances 

Eastman, J. M., “A Century of Cherokee Maskmaking.” (October 2023 – April 2024). 

Dr. Georgia Ennis 
Assistant Professor
Anthropology and Sociology 

Ennis, Georgia. “Caring for Indigenous Languages in Settler Times.” A Sign of Our Times: Caring in an Unsettling World, American Ethnologist website, 3 Aug. 2023, 

Exhibits and Performances 

Ennis, G., “WASANA/Women’s Wild Foods.” (2023). 

Dr. Becca George
Instructor/Assistant Director of Forensic Anthropology Facility
Anthropology and Sociology 

Knapp, Emily V., and Rebecca L. George. A Survey of Metopic Suture Persistence in the Published Literature. no. 4, Journal of Student Research, Mar. 2023, doi: 

Dr. Nick Passalacqua
Associate Professor

Anthropology and Sociology


Yim, AnDi, and Nicholas Vere Passalacqua. A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Race in the Criminal Justice System with Respect to Forensic Science Decision Making: Implications for Forensic Anthropology. no. 3, Humans, 2023, pp. 203–18, doi: 

Passalacqua, Nicholas Vere, et al. Evaluating Expertise in Forensic Anthropology. no. 4, Journal of Forensic Sciences, 2023, pp. 1111–20. 

Passalacqua, Nicholas Vere. Forensic Archaeology as a High-impact Practice. no. 1, Journal of Forensic Sciences, 2023, pp. 233–41. 

Hughes, Cris, et al. Investigating Identification Disparities in Forensic Anthropology Casework. no. 11, PLOS ONE, 2023, p. e0290302, doi: pone.0290302. 

Dunn, Rhian, et al. Maceration Techniques for Human Fetal and Perinatal Bone. no. 3, Forensic Anthropology, 2023, pp. 166–72, doi: 

Deem, Emily, et al. A Review of Anatomical Terminology for the Hip Bone. no. 3, Anatomical Science International, Jan. 2023, pp. 463–69, doi:DOI: 10.1007/s12565-023-00702-0.

Dr. Brett Riggs
Full Professor/Sequoyah Distinguished Professor

Anthropology and Sociology


Riggs, Brett High. “Bell Rattle Revisited.” Archaeology of the Southern Appalachians and Adjacent Watersheds, University of Tennessee Press, 2023, pp. 242–74. 

Riggs, Brett High. “The Return of Standing Wolf.” North Carolina Historical Review, vol. 100, no. 2, North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources, Apr. 2023, doi:OCLC # 1760560. 


Riggs, B. H. (Presenter & Author), Eastman, J. M. (Presenter & Author), Anthropology and Sociology Brown Bag series, “Recent Research at Watauga Town: A Collaborative Approach to Preservation and Discovery,” Anthropology and Sociology Department. 

Riggs, B. H. (Presenter & Author), Eastman, J. M. (Presenter & Author), Hoover, K. (Presenter Only), Waitt, K. (Presenter & Author), Yerka, S. (Presenter & Author), 77th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Archaeological Conference, “Geophysics and Community Plan at Watauga (31MA89), a post Contact Cherokee Town,” Durham, NC. 

Eastman, J. M. (Presenter & Author), Riggs, B. H. (Author Only), Southeastern Archaeological Conference, “A Cherokee Cosmoscape in Southwestern North Carolina (Part I),” Southeastern Archaeological Conference, Chattanooga Downtown Marriott and Convention Center, Chattanooga, TN. 

Riggs, B. H. (Presenter & Author), Eastman, J. M. (Author Only), Southeastern Archaeological Conference, “A Cherokee Cosmoscape in Southwestern North Carolina (Part II),” Southeastern Archaeological Conference, Chattanooga Downtown Marriott and Convention Center, Chattanooga, TN. 

Eastman, J. M. (Presenter & Author), Riggs, B. H. (Presenter & Author), North Carolina Archaeological Society Annual Meeting, “Astronomical Landscapes in Western North Carolina,” North Carolina Archaeological Society, Warren Wilson College, Swannanoa, NC. 

Riggs, B. H. (Presenter Only), Rooted in the Mountains, “Creating Music and Dance Communities in Cherokee Appalachia,” Bardo Arts Center theater, Cullowhee. 

Eastman, J. M. (Presenter & Author), Riggs, B. H. (Presenter & Author), Zahner Conservation Lecture Series, “Archaeoastronomy in Southwestern North Carolina,” WCU Highlands Biological Station, WCU Highlands Biological Station. 

Riggs, B. H., USFS Training, “Understanding the Trail of Tears and Public Lands Management,” US National Forests in North Carolina, Tri-County Community College, Peachtree, NC. 

Riggs, B. H. (Presenter & Author), Eastman, J. M. (Presenter & Author), Steere, B. A. (Presenter & Author), 2nd Annual Teach What You Know, Share What You Have Conference, “Guided Tour and On-Site Presentations at Cowee, Watauga, and Nikwasi,” Kituwah Preservation and Education Program, Cowee, Watauga, and Nikwasi mound sites, Franklin, NC. 

Riggs, B. H., 2023 Cherokee Language Summit, “Tour of Cherokee Heritage Sites,” WCU Cherokee Language Program, outdoor-archaeological sites, Franklin, NC. 

Dr. Ben Steere
Associate Professor

Anthropology and Sociology


Steere, Benjamin Allen. The Nikwasi Mound: Archaeology, Preservation, and Politics in the Eastern Cherokee Heartland. no. 1, Native South, Dec. 2023, pp. 60–77. 


Riggs, B. H. (Presenter & Author), Eastman, J. M. (Presenter & Author), Steere, B. A. (Presenter & Author), 2nd Annual Teach What You Know, Share What You Have Conference, “Guided Tour and On-Site Presentations at Cowee, Watauga, and Nikwasi,” Kituwah Preservation and Education Program, Cowee, Watauga, and Nikwasi mound sites, Franklin, NC. 

Steere, B. A., Birch, J., Brannan, S., 88th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, “GINI and the Indigenous Critique: Dynamics of Equality and Inequality in Eastern North America.,” Society for American Archaeology, Portland, OR. 

Dr. Katie Zejdlik-Passalacqua
Associate Professor/Department Head

Anthropology and Sociology

Deem, Emily, et al. A Review of Anatomical Terminology for the Hip Bone. no. 3, Anatomical Science International, Jan. 2023, pp. 463–69, doi:DOI: 10.1007/s12565-023-00702-0. 


Carvalho, C. S., Zejdlik-Passalacqua, K. J., Bethard, J. D., Nyárádi, Z., 24th Annual Conference of the British Association for Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology, “Investigating a Rural Transylvanian Village Cemetery Through the Lens of an Osteobiography,” London, England. 

Zejdlik-Passalacqua, K. J., Nyaradi, Z. (Author Only), Bethard, J. D. (Author Only), European Association of Archaeologists 29th Annual Meeting, “Szekler-Hungarian Persistence Among Change in the Carpathian Basin: A Case Study from the Papdomb site (AD 1100- 1800), Valeni, Romania,” European Association of Archaeologists, Belfast, Northern Ireland. 

Zejdlik-Passalacqua, K. J., Livingston, K., Meyers, G., Bethard, J. D., Baudelet, M., 92nd Annual Meeting of the American Association of Biological Anthropology, “Use of Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectrometry (LIBS) in Sorting Commingled Human Remains,” American Association of Biological Anthropology, Reno. 

Zejdlik-Passalacqua, K. J., Bethard, J., NYÁRÁDI, Z., 50th Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, “Interpretation of multi-person burial at the Papdomb site, a rural Transylvanian cemetery (~AD 1050-1750); avoiding a “just-so” story”.,” Reno. 

Zejdlik-Passalacqua, K. J., Bethard, J. (Author Only), Nyárádi, Z. (Author Only), Southeast Bioanthropology Interest Group, “An Overview of Burial Types and Site Use at the Papdomb Site (Ad 1050-1800), Transylvania, Romania,” University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, NC. 


Dr. Jim Costa 
Full Professor/Executive Director, Highlands Biological Station 

Costa, James T, and Bobbi Angell. Darwin and the Art of Botany: Observations on the Curious World of Plants. Timber Press, 2023, p. 380, 

Costa, James T. Radical by Nature: The Revolutionary Life of Alfred Russel Wallace. Princeton University Press, 2023, p. 552, 


Costa, J. T., “Convincing Lyell: Charles Darwin, Alfred Russel Wallace, and the Great Transmutation Debate,” University of Toulouse, Centre de Biologie Integrative (CBI), Toulouse, France. 

Costa, J. T., TULIP Visiting Scholar Lecture, “Patience, Industry, and a Fair Share of Invention: Teaching Darwin with Darwin,” University of Toulouse/Paul Sabatier, University of Toulouse, Toulouse, France. 

Costa, J. T., “Alfred Russel Wallace: Radical by Nature,” University of Toulouse, Theoretical and Experimental Ecology Station (SETE), Moulis, France. 

Costa, J. T., “Charles Darwin & the Origin of Species: A Primer to Darwin’s ‘One long argument’,” University of Toulouse, Theoretical and Experimental Ecology Station (SETE), Moulis, France. 

Costa, J. T., “Alfred Russel Wallace: Radical by Nature – A Sketch of a Life in Borders & Boundaries, Lines & Limits, Fringes & Frontiers…,” North Carolina Arboretum & Malaprop’s Book Store, North Carolina Arboretum, Asheville, NC. 

Costa, J. T., “RADICAL BY NATURE: CELEBRATING ALFRED RUSSEL WALLACE AT 200,” Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institution, Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institution, Bath, United Kingdom. 

Costa, J. T., Alfred Russel Wallace Bicentennial Lecture, “Alfred Russel Wallace: Radical by Nature,” Linnean Society of London, Linnean Society of London, London, United Kingdom. 

Costa, J. T., Society for the Study of Evolution Annual Meeting, “Gould Plenary: “Patience, Industry, and a Fair Share of Invention” – Teaching Darwin with Darwin,” Society for the Study of Evolution, Convention Center, Albuquerque, NM. 

Costa, J. T., Alfred Russel Wallace Bicentennial Celebration, “What do Wallace’s Field Notebooks Reveal About His Evolutionary Thinking?,” Harvard University Museum of Comparative Zoology, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, MA. 

Costa, J. T., Alfred Russel Wallace Bicentenary Symposium, ““Darwin & Wallace” – Insights from the Plan for Wallace’s Unpublished Last Book,” Oxford University Museum of Natural History and Maison Française d’Oxford, Oxford University Museum of Natural History, Oxford, United Kingdom. 

Costa, J. T., History of Science Society Annual Meeting, “Alfred Russel Wallace and Selection in the Service of Utopia,” History of Science Society, Drake Hotel, Chicago, IL. 

Dr. Amanda Storm 
Assistant Professor 

Zirkel, Jonathan, et al. Gossypium Hirsutum Gene of Unknown Function, Gohir.A02G039501.1, Encodes a Potential DNA-binding ALOG Protein Involved in Gene Regulation. microPublication Biology, Sep. 2023, doi:10.17912/micropub.biology.000670. 

Storm, Amanda R, and Amanda M Hulse-Kemp. CUPA-CURE: An Adaptable, Computational Research Experience Manually Annotating Uncharacterized Proteins Within the Cotton Genome. 1st ed., vol. 1, UNC System Learning and Technology Symposium Proceedings, 2023, 

Osborne, Alana N, et al. Gossypium Hirsutum Gene of Unknown Function Gohir.A03G0737001 Encodes a Potential Chaperone-like Protein of Protochlorophyllide Oxidoreductase (CPP1). microPublication Biology, Jul. 2023, doi:10.17912/micropub.biology.000867. 

Smith, Emma R, et al. Gossypium Hirsutum Gene of Unknown Function Gohir.A03G007700.1 Encodes a Potential VAN3-binding Protein with a Phosphoinositide-binding Site. microPublication Biology, Jan. 2023, doi:10.17912/micropub.biology.000669. 


Storm, A. (Presenter & Author), ETSU Biological Sciences Invited Seminar Talk, “Exploring the unique features and functions of the BAM family,” Eastern Tennessee State University, Johnson City, TN. 

Storm, A. R. (Presenter & Author), Hulse-Kemp, A. (Author Only), National American Society of Plant Biologists Meeting, “Getting to know the family: Computational exploration of uncharacterized protein families,” American Society of Plant Biologists, Savannah, GA. 

Storm, A. R. (Presenter & Author), Hulse-Kemp, A. M. (Presenter & Author), Genomics Education Partnership (GEP) Seminar, “CUPA-CURE: Manual annotation of uncharacterized proteins within the cotton genome,” Genomics Education Partnership (GEP), Virtual. 

Chemistry & Physics


Dr. Channa De Silva 
Full Professor/Interim Department Head 
Chemistry and Physics 

De Silva, Channa Ruwan. Mycosynthesis of Silver Nanoparticles (Trichoderma Viride, Trichoderma Longibrachiatum) and Their Mosquito Larvicidal Efficacy on Dengue Vectors and Acute Toxicity on Moina Macrocopa. Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2023, pp. 1995–2000. 

De Silva, Channa Ruwan, et al. Synthesis of Annona Glabra Mediated Silver Nanoparticles, Their Photocatalysis and Toxicity on Daphnia Magna. Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2023, pp. 1741–48. 


De Silva, C. R., Perez Galarza, E., Gress-Byrd, C., Southeast Meeting of the American Chemical Society (SERMACS), “Computational chemistry studies of the antioxidant properties of berberine metabolites,” Durham, NC. 

De Silva, C. R., England, J., Southeast Meeting of the American Chemical Society (SERMACS), “Optimizing the Microwave Reaction of Europium-doped Calcium Fluoride Nanoparticles,” Durham, NC. 

De Silva, C. R., Kumarasinghe, G. D. S. S., Amarasinghe, L. D., International Conference on Applied and Pure Sciences (ICAPS) – 2023, “Comparative Effect of Nanoparticles of Sliver, Europium Doped ZnO and CaF2 on Aedes aegypti and Daphnia magna,” University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. 

De Silva, C. R., Ammons, K., Eckert, N., American Nuclear Society (ANS) Student Conference, “Nuclear Fuel Remediation: A Computational Study,” University of Tennessee at Knoxville, Knoxville, TN. 

De Silva, C. R., England, J., Western Carolina’s American Chemical Society (WCACS) Spring Award Meeting, “Optimizing the reaction conditions of europium-doped calcium fluoride nanoparticles using a microwave-assisted synthetic method,” Furman University, Greenville, SC. 

De Silva, C. R., Fratarcangeli, M., National Meeting of the American Chemical Society (ACS), “Optimization of surface functionalization of europium-doped calcium fluoride nanoparticles for potential cellular imaging,” Indianapolis, IN. 

Dr. Rangika Hikkaduwa Koralege 
Assistant Professor 
Chemistry and Physics 

Hikkaduwa Koralege, Rangika, and Nu Perera. “High Throughput Screening.” Encyclopedia of Toxicology 4th Edition, Elsevier, 2023. 

Hikkaduwa Koralege, Rangika, and Nuwan Perera. “Toxicity Testing, Developmental.” Encyclopedia of Toxicology, 4th Edition, Elsevier, 2023. 

Koralege, Rangika. “Picloram.” Encyclopedia of Toxicology 4th Edition, Elsevier, 2023. 

Mapa, Sumudu, and Rangika Koralege. “Silicosis and Asbestosis.” Medical Geology: An Enroute for One Health, Wiley, 2023. 


Dean, D. (Presenter & Author), Koralege, R. (Author Only), National Conference on Undergraduate Research, “Bovine Serum Albumin Encapsulated Poly-L-Lysine-Graft-Poly(ethylene) Glycol (PLL-g-PEG) Nanoparticles: Synthesis, Characterization, and Evaluation of Stability in Serum.” 

Koralege, R. (Author Only), Hatton, R. (Presenter & Author), Research and Scholarship Celebration, 25th Annual Undergraduate Exposition, Western Carolina Universtity, “Tailoring PLL-g-PEG polymer architecture to improve esterolytic activity of bovine serum albumin encapsulated in nanoparticles.,” Western Carolina University.

Dr. Nuwan Perera 
Assistant Professor 
Chemistry and Physics

Hikkaduwa Koralege, Rangika, and Nu Perera. “High Throughput Screening.” Encyclopedia of Toxicology 4th Edition, Elsevier, 2023. 

Hikkaduwa Koralege, Rangika, and Nuwan Perera. “Toxicity Testing, Developmental.” Encyclopedia of Toxicology, 4th Edition, Elsevier, 2023. 


Pollock, E. (Presenter & Author), Perera, N., National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR) – 2023, “Analysis of human decomposition odor using Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry,” UW-Eau Claire, Eau Claire, WI. 

Lee, C. (Presenter & Author), Perera, N., National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR) – 2023, “Investigation of Weathering on Automotive Clear-Coat Formulations Using Fourier Transformation Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) for Forensic Purposes,” UW-Eau Claire, Eau Claire, WI. 

University, S. A., “Unravelling Mysteries with Forensic Chemistry: Novel Psychoactive Substances and Odor of Death,” Department of Chemistry, Mississippi State University, Starkville, MS. 

Beck, K., Perera, N., 2023 Research and Scholarship Conference, “Analysis of the Volatile Organic Compounds in grave soil using Headspace Solid Phase Microextraction Coupled to Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (HS-SPME-GC-MS),” Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, NC. 

Dr. Matthew Rave 
Associate Professor 
Chemistry and Physics 

Lawson, Jeffrey K, and Matthew J Rave. Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is?. no. 2, Mathematics in School, Mar. 2023, pp. 24–27. 

Dr. Jamie Wallen 
Associate Professor/Interim Associate Dean, Chemistry and Physics 
Chemistry and Physics 

Alexander, William K, et al. From Compost to Culver: Genome Sequence and Annotation of a Cluster CQ1 Gordonia Phage. Microbiology Resource Announcements, Dec. 2023, 


Bonogafsky, H. (Author Only), Bruinsma, S. (Author Only), Burleson, M. (Author Only), Wallen, J. R. (Author Only), Gainey, M. D. (Presenter & Author), Annual SEA Faculty Meeting, “Determining the Nucleotide Modification Status of the DNA of a Panel of Microbacteriophages,” Howard Hughes Medical Institute. 

Turnmire, C. (Presenter & Author), Roach, H. (Author Only), Wallen, J. R. (Author Only), Gainey, M. D. (Author Only), SEA-PHAGES Symposium, “Validation of the 3-Dimensional Structure of the Bacteriophage Adahisdi’s Repressor Protein Using Alanine Scanning,” Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Virtual. 

Bruinsma, S. (Presenter & Author), Bonogafsky, H. (Author Only), Wallen, J. R. (Author Only), Gainey, M. D. (Author Only), Research and Scholarshiop Celebration, “Determining the Nucleotide Modification Status of the DNA of a Panel of Microbacterium and Gordon Species,” Western Carolina University. 

Bonogafsky, H. (Presenter & Author), Stanislaw, P. (Author Only), Bruinsma, S. (Author Only), Naef, M. (Author Only), Alexander, H. (Author Only), Gainey, M. D. (Author Only), Wallen, J. R. (Author Only), Research and Scholarship Celebration, “Investigation of Modified Nucleotides in Actinobacteriophages,” Western Carolina University, Ramsey Arena, Cullowhee, NC. 

Turnmire, C. (Presenter & Author), Fratarcangelil, M. (Author Only), Wallen, J. R. (Author Only), Gainey, M. D. (Author Only), Research and Scholarship Celebration, “Validation of the 3-Dimensional Structure of the Bacteriophage Adahisdi’s Repressor Protein Using Alanine Scanning,” Western Carolina University. 

Dr. Mesfin Woldeyohannes 
Associate Professor 
Chemistry and Physics 

Woldeyohannes, Mesfin Arega. “Frustrated Spontaneous Emission Near the Edge of a Photonic Band Gap.” No, vol. 11, no. 1, Journal of international physics, Mar. 2023, p. 15, doi: 

Matt Burleson 
Chemistry and Physics 

Andro, Mindy N, et al. “From Cullowhee Creek to Conley: Genome Sequence and Annotation of a Cluster DJ Gordonia Phage.” N/A, Microbiology Resource Announcement, 22 Dec. 2023, doi: 


Bonogafsky, H. (Author Only), Bruinsma, S. (Author Only), Burleson, M. (Author Only), Wallen, J. R. (Author Only), Gainey, M. D. (Presenter & Author), Annual SEA Faculty Meeting, “Determining the Nucleotide Modification Status of the DNA of a Panel of Microbacteriophages,” Howard Hughes Medical Institute. 

Dr. Brian Dinkelmeyer 
Associate Professor 
Chemistry and Physics 

Dinkelmeyer, B., Molecules in the Mountains, “Topochemical reactivity of internally substitutes dienes,” Western Carolina University, NC. 

Ballard, S. (Presenter & Author), Molecules in the Mountains, “Optimization of Fluorescent Melanoma Cancer Probe.” 

Dr. Eddy Duranty 
Assistant Professor 
Chemistry and Physics 

Dobyns, Breanna, et al. The Effects of Ionic Liquid Addition on the Heat of Polymerization of Additive Manufacturing Resins. no. 107, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Jun. 2023, p. 066507. 


Duranty, E. R. (Presenter & Author), Appel, J. (Author Only), Ho, D. (Author Only), McCardle, H. (Author Only), Dobyns, B. (Author Only), Reichert, W. M. (Author Only), Electrochemical Society ECS 2022, “Additive Manufacturing of Biopolymers via Modified FDM 3D Printing Enabled by the Dissolution Properties of Hydrophilic Ionic Liquids,” The Electrochemical Society, Hilton, Atlanta, Atlanta, GA. 

Duranty, E., WCU Faculty Work In Progress Sessions, “Additive Manufacturing of Biopolymers via Modified FDM 3D Printing Enabled by the Dissolution Properties of Hydrophilic Ionic Liquids,” WCU, WCU, Cullowhee, NC. 

Duranty, E. R. (Presenter & Author), Appel, J. (Author Only), Ho, D. (Author Only), Dobyns, B. (Author Only), Reichert, W. M. (Author Only), Ionic Liquids GRC 2022, “Additive Manufacturing of Biopolymers via Modified FDM 3D Printing Enabled by the Dissolution Properties of Hydrophilic Ionic Liquids,” Gordon Research Conferences, Grand Summit Hotel at Sunday River, Newry, ME. 

Kimiko Ferguson 
Assistant Professor 
Chemistry and Physics 

Ferguson, Kimiko, et al. “An Interlaboratory Study to Evaluate the Utility of Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) and Gas Chromatography Infrared Spectroscopy (GC-IR) Spectral Libraries in the Forensic Analysis of Fentanyl Related Substances (FRS).” No, Journal of Forensic Science, Jun. 2023, doi: 

Dr. Al Fischer 
Assistant Professor 
Chemistry and Physics 

Wise, C. (Presenter & Author), Fischer, A. (Author Only), RASC, “Construction of a Cavity Ring-down Spectrometer to Measure Ambient Aerosol Extinction,” Western Carolina University, Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, NC. 

Jordan, A. (Presenter & Author), Voeltz, K. (Presenter & Author), Fischer, A. (Author Only), RASC, “Determination of Non-structural Carbohydrates in Southern Appalachian Conifers via Infrared Spectroscopy​,” Western Carolina University, Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, NC. 

Dr. Maria Gainey 
Assistant Professor 
Chemistry and Physics 

Alexander, William K, et al. From Compost to Culver: Genome Sequence and Annotation of a Cluster CQ1 Gordonia Phage. Microbiology Resource Announcements, Dec. 2023, 

Andro, Mindy N, et al. “From Cullowhee Creek to Conley: Genome Sequence and Annotation of a Cluster DJ Gordonia Phage.” N/A, Microbiology Resource Announcement, 22 Dec. 2023, doi: 

SEA-PHAGES Authors, et al. Models of Classroom Assessment for Cours-Based Research Experiences. Frontiers in Education, Nov. 2023, 

Andro, M N, et al. Gordonia Phage Conley, Complete Genome OR159671. 2023. 

Andro, M N, et al. Gordonia Phage Jamzy, Complete Genome OR159649. 2023. 


Gainey, M. D. (Presenter & Author), Henson, M. (Author Only), Cafferty, E., Abad, O., Heller, D., Molecular Genetics of Bacteria and Bacteriophages, “The Discovery and Characterization of the Genes Involved in Cluster M Lysogeny,” University of Wisconsin, Memorial Union, Madison, WI. 

Bonogafsky, H. (Author Only), Bruinsma, S. (Author Only), Burleson, M. (Author Only), Wallen, J. R. (Author Only), Gainey, M. D. (Presenter & Author), Annual SEA Faculty Meeting, “Determining the Nucleotide Modification Status of the DNA of a Panel of Microbacteriophages,” Howard Hughes Medical Institute. 

Humphries, I. (Presenter & Author), Timmons, C. (Presenter & Author), Pell, M. (Presenter & Author), Edwards, J. (Presenter & Author), Shickle, G. (Author Only), Huber, M. (Author Only), Gainey, M. D. (Presenter & Author), SEA-PHAGES Symposium, “The Discovery and Genome Annotation of Gordon Phages Conley and Jamzy, and the Rediscovery of Gordonia Prophage Emperor,” Howard Hughes Medical Institute. 

Turnmire, C. (Presenter & Author), Roach, H. (Author Only), Wallen, J. R. (Author Only), Gainey, M. D. (Author Only), SEA-PHAGES Symposium, “Validation of the 3-Dimensional Structure of the Bacteriophage Adahisdi’s Repressor Protein Using Alanine Scanning,” Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Virtual. 

Bruinsma, S. (Presenter & Author), Bonogafsky, H. (Author Only), Wallen, J. R. (Author Only), Gainey, M. D. (Author Only), Research and Scholarshiop Celebration, “Determining the Nucleotide Modification Status of the DNA of a Panel of Microbacterium and Gordon Species,” Western Carolina University. 

Roach, H. (Presenter & Author), Gainey, M. D. (Author Only), Research and Scholarship Celebration, “Flipping the Genetic Switch; A Preliminary Investigation of the Regulation of Cluster A Lysogeny,” Western Carolina University. 

Bonogafsky, H. (Presenter & Author), Stanislaw, P. (Author Only), Bruinsma, S. (Author Only), Naef, M. (Author Only), Alexander, H. (Author Only), Gainey, M. D. (Author Only), Wallen, J. R. (Author Only), Research and Scholarship Celebration, “Investigation of Modified Nucleotides in Actinobacteriophages,” Western Carolina University, Ramsey Arena, Cullowhee, NC. 

Turnmire, C. (Presenter & Author), Fratarcangelil, M. (Author Only), Wallen, J. R. (Author Only), Gainey, M. D. (Author Only), Research and Scholarship Celebration, “Validation of the 3-Dimensional Structure of the Bacteriophage Adahisdi’s Repressor Protein Using Alanine Scanning,” Western Carolina University. 

Dr. Scott Huffman 
Full Professor 
Chemistry and Physics 

Reiskind, M. (Presenter & Author), Byrd, B. D. (Author Only), Huffman, S. W. (Author Only), Richards, S. (Author Only), Joint Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America, Entomologic Society of Canada, and the Entomologic Society of British Columbia, “Mid-infrared spectroscopy for rapid determination of mosquito infection status,” Entomological Society of America, Entomologic Society of Canada, and Entomologic Society of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. 

Huffman, S. W., Mitchell, C. (Presenter & Author), Gregory, T. (Author Only), Higgins, M. (Author Only), South Eastern Meeting of the American Chemical Society, “Characterizing the diffusion of select natural oils into wax systems with transmission Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy,” South Eastern Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Durham, NC. 

Huffman, S. W. (Author Only), Gregory, T. (Presenter & Author), Higgins, M. (Presenter & Author), Mitchell, C. (Author Only), South Eastern Meeting of the American Chemical Society, “Diffusion of Limonene into Paraffin Wax with Transmission Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy,” South Eastern Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Durham, NC. 

Dr. Alesia Jennings 
Associate Instructor 
Chemistry and Physics 

Zimmerman, S., Jennings, A. C., Joy of Learning and Teaching, “Creative Joy: Creating Syllabus Infographics,” Coulter Faculty Commons. 

Collins-Brown, E., Tallant, A., Jennings, A., UNC System Learning and Technology Symposium, “A kick-start for first year faculty: The Faculty Forward Program,” UNC System Learning and Technology, Charlotte. 


Grace Cheshire 

Virtue, Emily, et al. “Supporting Students on the Academic Margins: An Equity Driven Framework.” Journal of College Academic Support Programs, vol. 5, no. 2, Journal of College Academic Support Programs, Mar. 2023, pp. 60–68, doi: 

Mr. Don Connelly 
Full Professor/Radio Station Faculty Advisor 

Connelly, Donald W. “Digital Radio Production, Fourth Edition (print and Etextbook).” N/A, Flourth Edition, vol. N/A, Waveland Press, 2023, p. 471 pages, 193 illustrations and photos, 94 online illustrative audio examples, and 45 online production music demonstration files. Instructors Resource Manual and 480 question test bank, 96 pages., doi:N/A. 

Dr. Scott Eldredge 
Associate Professor/Department Head, Communication 

Pjesivac, Ivanka, et al. Between the Facts and a Hard Place: Trust Judgments and Affective Responses in Information-Seeking Processes During Early COVID-19. Health Communication – Taylor & Francis, Jan. 2023, doi: 


Eldredge, S. A., Western Carolina University Department of Human Resources planning retreat, “Resolving Conflict in the Intergenerational Workplace,” Human Resources Dept – Western Carolina University, Sylva, NC. 

Eldredge, S. A., Natahala Outdoor Center Leadership Training, “Communication & Leadership: Giving and Receiving Feedback,” Educational Outreach and the Natahala Outdoor Center, Bryson City, NC. 

Eldredge, S. A., Natahala Outdoor Center Leadership Training, “Resolving Conflict in the Intergenerational Workplace,” Educational Outreach & The Natahala Outdoor Center, Bryson City, NC. 

Dr. Candy Noltensmeyer 
Associate Professor 

Noltensmeyer, Candy Jo, et al. “Building Cultural Competence.” Developing Culturally Responsive Learning Environments in Postsecondary Education, Information Age Publishing, 2024, 


Bloom, L. (Presenter & Author), Doss, K. (Presenter & Author), Noltensmeyer, C. J. (Presenter & Author), Mershon, K. (Presenter & Author), SoTL Commons Conference, “Tell me a story: Student perceptions of the effect of story on learning,” Georgia Southern University, Savannah, GA. 

Dr. Vincent Russell 
Assistant Professor 

Russell, Vincent. Teaching Social Justice Activism Through Radical Community-based Learning. no. 2, Protest, Nov. 2023, p. 261–70, doi:10.1163/2667372X-bja10049. 

Russell, Vincent. Communicating About Social Justice in Participatory Budgeting in the United States: ‘Coming Together’ to Benefit Communities. Journal of Applied Communication Research, Feb. 2023, doi:10.1080/00909882.2023.2178856. 

Russell, Vincent, and Spoma Jovanovic. Radical Community-based Learning: Tapping into Students’ Sense of Justice. no. 1, International Journal of Research on Service-learning and Community Engagement, Jan. 2023, p. Article 2, doi:10.37333/001c.66269. 


Wisnewski-Parks, G., Russell, V., National Communication Association Annual Conference, “Democratic education through public speaking: A review and advance of citizenship preparation for public speaking pedagogy,” National Communication Association, Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center, National Harbor, MD. 

Russell, V., “Radical Community-based Learning: Tapping into students’ sense of justice,” Department of Economic and Management Sciences, North-West University, South Africa.

Gabe Wisnewski-Parks 

Wisnewski-Parks, G., Russell, V., National Communication Association Annual Conference, “Democratic education through public speaking: A review and advance of citizenship preparation for public speaking pedagogy,” National Communication Association, Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center, National Harbor, MD. 

Criminology & Criminal Justice

Dr. Lisa Briggs 
Full Professor 
Criminology and Criminal Justice 

Briggs, L. T. (Presenter Only), Pennsylvania State Police Troop D Missing Child Recovery Training, ““Cold Case Realities”,” Pennsylvania State Police Troop D., Cranberry Law Enforcement Training Center, 200 Barracks Road, Butler, PA 16001, Butler, PA. 

Briggs, L. T. (Presenter Only), Pasco County Sheriff’s Office and Emergency Response Training, ““Searching for the Missing.”,” Pasco County Sheriff’s Office and County Pasco Emergency Managment, First Methodist Church 7432 Little Road, New Port Richey, Florida., New Port Richey, FL. 

Briggs, L. T. (Presenter & Author), Search and Rescue Training: Office of Emergency Management, Paramus, New Jersey, ““How to Search For and Protect Children on the Autism Spectrum.”,” Office of Emergency Management, James J. Tedesco III Life Safety Complex. Synchronous Virtual Training., Paramus, NJ. 

Briggs, L. T., K9 Cop Conference, “”Use of Scent Detection K9s in the Recovery of Human Remains: Lessons Learned”,” Briggs, Lisa (2023). “The Use of Scent Detection K9s in the Recovery of Human Remains: Lessons Learned” K9 Cop Conference. MarriottConference Center 174 Chaffin PI Murfreesboro, Tennessee 37129. September 11-13., Murfreesboro., NC. 

Dr. Sarah Jackson 
Assistant Professor 
Criminology and Criminal Justice 

Habets, Margot, et al. Evaluating the Quality of State Hazard Mitigation Plans Based on Hazard Identification, Risk, and Vulnerability Assessments. Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, Nov. 2023, p. 28, doi: 


Jackson, S. L. (Presenter & Author), Ladies in the Lab, “Disaster Science at Work,” FernLeaf Community Public Charter School Science Teachers, FernLeaf Community Public Charter School, Fletcher, NC. 

Jackson, S. L. (Presenter & Author), Southeastern Division of the American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, “Exploring the Impact of Geographic Context on Tornado Risk: A Spatial-Statistical Case Study,” Southeastern Division of the American Association of Geographers, Norfolk, VA. 

Jackson, S. L. (Presenter & Author), Discover University of South Carolina Day 2023, “The Geographic Context of Tornado Risk: An Assessment of Illinois Counties,” University of South Carolina Office of Vice-President for Research, Columbia, SC. 

Jackson, S. L. (Presenter & Author), American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, “The Role of Geographic Context in Tornado Risk, Risk Perception, and Protective Action Behavior,” American Association of Geographers, Denver, CO. 

Jackson, S. L. (Presenter & Author), University of South Carolina Department of Geography Colloquium, “The Role of Geographic Context in Tornado Risk, Risk Perception, and Protective Action Behavior,” University of South Carolina Department of Geography, Classroom, Columbia, SC. 

Jackson, S. L. (Presenter & Author), Hazards Vulnerability and Resilience Institute Brown Bag Series, “Geospatial Approaches to Environmental Risk, Disasters, and Community Vulnerability,” Hazards Vulnerability and Resilience Institute, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC. 

Dr. Jamie Vaske 
Full Professor 
Criminology and Criminal Justice 

Vaske, J. C., American Society of Criminology, “Statistical issues in understanding magistrates’ decision-making,” Philadelphia, PA. 

Vaske, J. C., Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, “Methodological issues in predicting magistrates’ bond decisions,” National Harbor, MD. 

Vaske, J. C., North Carolina Criminal Justice Association, “Lessons learned from the implementation of bail reform in North Carolina,” Raleigh, NC. 

Dr. Tasha Youstin 
Associate Profe
Criminology and Criminal Justice 

Youstin, T. J. (Presenter & Author), Konda, O. (Presenter & Author), ACJS 60th Annual Meeting “Critical Connections Between Civil Rights, Crime and Social Justice”, “Adverse Childhood Experiences, Intervention, and Big 5 Personality Traits,” Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Gaylord Hotel, National Harbor, MD. 

Youstin, T. J. (Presenter & Author), Konda, O. (Presenter & Author), Jordan, A. (Presenter & Author), Fuentes-Hernandez, J. (Presenter & Author), ACJS 60th Annual Meeting “Critical Connections Between Civil Rights, Crime and Social Justice”, “An Overview of ACE Research: What We Know and Where We Are Going,” Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Gaylord Hotel, National Harbor, MD. 

Youstin, T. J. (Presenter & Author), Fuentes-Hernandez, J. (Presenter & Author), ACJS 60th Annual Meeting “Critical Connections Between Civil Rights, Crime and Social Justice”, “Comparing ACE Exposure in Early Childhood vs. Late Childhood and Subsequent Behavioral Outcomes,” Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Gaylord Hotel, National Harbor, MD. 

Youstin, T. J. (Presenter & Author), Jordan, A. (Presenter & Author), ACJS 60th Annual Meeting “Critical Connections Between Civil Rights, Crime and Social Justice”, “Self-Reported Academic and Social Success in College Students: Exploring the Role of ACE Exposure,” Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Gaylord Hotel, National Harbor, MD. 

English Studies
Dr. Mary Adams 
Associate Professor 
English Studies 

Adams, M. F. (Author Only), Shakespeare Association of America Annual Meeting, “Macbeth, Race, and Animality,” Shakespeare Association of America, Hyatt Hotel, Minneapolis. 

Dr. Michael Boatright 
Associate Professor 
English Studies 

Boatright, Michael David. Overcoming Limitations: Reading as Transformational Experience in Emerson’s Writings. no. 2, Journal of Aesthetic Education, 2023, pp. 1–15. 

Dr. Jonathan Bradshaw 
Associate Professor 
English Studies 


Bradshaw, J., Conference on College Composition and Communication, “Endemic WPAs: Designing “Post-Covid” Support for Faculty and Students,” Chicago, IL. 

Dr. Erin Callahan 
Associate Professor 
English Studies 

Wall, A. (Presenter & Author), Williams, K. (Presenter & Author), Graduate Research Symposium, “[FACULTY MENTOR]: Closing the Gap: Roles & Responsibilities of K-12 English as a Second Language (ESL) Teachers for Service Coordination with Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs),” WCU, WCU, Cullowhee, NC. 

Callahan, E. E., Philological Association of the Carolinas (PAC), “Tarheel Latin@English: New Dialect Formation in the Nuevo New South,” Philological Association of the Carolinas (PAC), Western Carolina University, Asheville, NC. 

Callahan, E. E., Undergraduate Research & Creative Inquiry Panel Discussion, “Popcorn & Pedagogy High Impact Practice Series,” Coulter Faculty Comomns, WCU. 

Dr. Catherine Carter 
Full Professor 
English Studies 

Carter, Catherine W. During the Long Meeting, Things Begin to Change. Winter, vol. 2023, Women Speak Anthology, Women of Appalachia Project, Sheila-na-gig Press, 2023, p. 1. 

Carter, Catherine W. My Mother’s Recipe Leaves Out Ingredients. Winter, vol. 2023, Women Speak Anthology, Women of Appalachia Project, Sheila-na-gig Press, 2023. 

Carter, Catherine W. Till the Cows Come Home. Winter, vol. 2023, Women Speak Anthology, Women of Appalachia series, 2023, p. 1. 

Carter, Catherine W.  “The Guiding Quiet: A Review of Where We Lay Down,” by Jeffrey Franklin. no. Winter, Tar River Poetry, Dec. 2023, p. 3. 

Carter, Catherine W. Dupont Circle, Skunk. Fall, vol. 2023, Artemis Journal, 2023, p. 1. 

Carter, Catherine W. Good Morning, Unseen. Jacar Press, 2023, p. 25. 

Gastle, Brian W, et al. The Lover’s Confession: A Modern English Translation of John Gower’s Confessio Amantis. Medieval Institute Press, 2023, p. 600. 

Carter, Catherine W. Can, Worms. Spring, vol. 2023, Asheville Poetry Review, 2023, p. 2. 


Carter, C. W., Bay to Ocean Writers’ Conference, “Swamp Monsters and Swamp Flowers: Poetry of the Nonhuman,” Eastern Shore Writers’ Association, Chesapeake College, Wye Mills, MD. 

Carter, C. W., Bay to Ocean Writers’ Conference, ““Particle and Wave: Strengthening Poems’ Sonic Power.”,” Eastern Shore Writers’ Association, Annual conference, Wye Mills

Pamela Duncan 
Associate Professor 
English Studies 

Duncan, P. Y., Rooted in the Mountains Annual Symposium, “Appalachian Writing Communities,” Western Carolina University, Bardo Arts Center, Cullowhee, NC. 

Exhibits and Performances 

Duncan, P. Y., “Three-Minute Wonders,” Sylva, NC, USA. (April 28, 2023). 

Duncan, P. Y., “Tennessee Mountain Writers Conference General Session,” Oak Ridge, TN. (April 1, 2023). 

Dr. Brian Gastle 
Full Professor 
English Studies 

Gastle, Brian W, et al. The Lover’s Confession: A Modern English Translation of John Gower’s Confessio Amantis. Medieval Institute Press, 2023, p. 600. 

Gastle, Brian W, and McShane Kara. “”Introduction: Why Teach Gower’s Works?”.” Special Issue: Teaching John Gower’s Confessio Amantis, vol. 30, no. 1, Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Teaching, Apr. 2023, pp. 7–17. 

Gastle, Brian W. “”Teaching Gower’s Tale of Florent and Leveraging General Education Student Learning Outcomes”.” Special Issue: Teaching John Gower’s Confessio Amantis, vol. 30, no. 1, Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Teaching, Apr. 2023, pp. 17–31. 

McShane, Kara. Special Issue: Teaching John Gower’s Confessio Amantis. Edited by Brian W Gastle, 1st ed., vol. 30, Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Teaching, 2023, p. 133. 


Gastle, B. W., V International Congress of the John Gower Society, “Object Lessons: Gower’s ‘Tale of Acteon’ as the Confessio’s Primum Mobile,” International Congress of the John Gower Society, St. Andrews Univesity, St. Andrews, Scotland. 

Gastle, B. W., McLeod, H. (Presenter & Author), Marth, V. (Presenter & Author), Kling, A. (Presenter & Author), Southeast Association for Cultural Studies Annual Conference, “Letters from the Front: A Digital Collections Transcription and Annotation Project as Engaged Pedagogy,” Southeast Association for Cultural Studies, UNC-Charlotte, Charlotte, NC. 

Dr. Beth Huber 
Associate Professor 
English Studies 

Huber, Beth. Piece of the Sky. Next Stage Press, 2023. 

Exhibits and Performances 

Huber, B., “The Godot Particle (one-act),” Atchison KS. (December 2023). 

Huber, B., “The Godot Particle (one-act),” Minneapolis MN. (March 2023). 

Jason Huber 
Associate Instructor 
English Studies


Huber, P. J., Southeastern Association of Cultural Studies Conference, “”We’re Still Selling Justice: The Rhetoric of For-Profit Probations Systems”,” Southeastern Association of Cultural Studies, UNCG, Charlotte, NC. 

Huber, P. J., Conference on College Composition and Communication, “The Impermanence of Revision Rhetoric: Transitory Rhetoric in Larger Ecologies,” CCCC, Portland, OR.

Jeremy Jones 
Associate Professor 
English Studies 


Jones, Jeremy Brian. Houses of the Holy. Our State Magazine, Oct. 2023, 

Jones, Jeremy Brian. On Losing Control. Still: The Journal, 2023, 

Jones, Jeremy Brian. Catching up in Cataloochee. Our State Magazine, Jul. 2023, 

Jones, Jeremy Brian. Obituary for a Quiet Life. The Bitter Southerner, Jun. 2023,

Dr. John Kennedy 
Assistant Professor 
English Studies 
Exhibits and Performances 

Kennedy, J., Brown, A., “Ariana Brown, Reading, We Are Owed.” (2023). 

Kennedy, J., Melendez, V., Madrid, J., “Latinx Zine,” Cullowhee, NC, USA. (2023). 

Dr. Emily Naser-Hall 
Assistant Professor 
English Studies 

Naser-Hall, Emily. Locked Doors and Fondled Doorknobs: Gothic Domesticity and Deviant Sexuality of 1950s America in Shirley Jackson’s the Haunting of Hill House. no. 3, Arizona Quarterly, Oct. 2023, pp. 25–49. 

Dr. Eleanor Petrone 
Associate Professor 
English Studies 

Petrone, E. A. (Presenter & Author), Southeastern Council of Latin American Studies, “The Challenge of Transnational Education through the Lens of Mexican Educators,” University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Wingate University, Winthrop University, Porta Hotel Antigua, Antigua, Guatelmala. 

Brad Reisinger 
Associate Instructor 
English Studies 
Exhibits and Performances 

Reisinger, C. B., “March for Health,” Sylva, NC. (April 1, 2017 – Present).

Dr. Travis Rountree 
Assistant Professor 
English Studies 

Rountree, Travis Allen. Hillsville Remembered: Public Memory, Historical Silence, and Appalachia’s Most Notorious Shootout. University of KY Press, 2023. 


Rountree, T. A. (Presenter & Author), Reading at City Lights Bookstore, “”Reading from Hillsville Remembered: Public Memory, Historical Silence, and Appalachia’s Most Notorious Shoot-out.”,” City Lights Bookstore, City Lights Bookstore, Sylva, NC. 

Rountree, T. A. (Author Only), Spring 2023, “”Reading from Hillsville Remembered: Public Memory, Historical Silence, and Appalachia’s Most Notorious Shoot-out.”,” Appalachian Studies Association, Athens, OH. 

Erickson, H. M., Rountree, T. A. (Panelist), Masters, J. (Panelist), Seigfried, R. (Panelist), Orbeck, J. (Panelist), Catalan, N. (Panelist), Pride Pots: Community Conversations events with the Pride Pots Team, “LGBTQ+ Community Collaboratives in Western North Carolina,” LSU Library Special Collections, Ogden Honors College, Department of English, and Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Program to celebrate National Coming Out Day, LSU Hill Memorial Library Main Lecture Hall, Baton Rouge, LA. 

Rountree, T. A. (Presenter & Author), Reading at Indiana University East, “Reading from Hillsville Remembered: Public Memory, Historical Silence, and Appalachia’s Most Notorious Shoot-out.,” Indiana University East, Indiana University East, Richmond, IN. 

Erickson, H. M., Rountree, T. A. (Panelist), Orbeck, J. (Panelist), Masters, J. (Panelist), Clay and Conversation / Heather Mae Erickson and the Pride Pots team, “Clay and Conversation with Heather Mae Erickson and Travis Rountree, PhD,” The Clay Studio, The Clay Studio, Philadelphia, PA. 

Rountree, T. A. (Presenter & Author), Reading at Carmichael’s Bookstore, “”Reading from Hillsville Remembered: Public Memory, Historical Silence, and Appalachia’s Most Notorious Shoot-out.”,” Carmichael’s Bookstore, Carmichael’s Bookstore, Louisville, KY. 

Rountree, T. A. (Presenter & Author), Reading at Joseph-Beth Booksellers, “”Reading from Hillsville Remembered: Public Memory, Historical Silence, and Appalachia’s Most Notorious Shoot-out.”,” Joseph-Beth Booksellers, Joseph-Beth Booksellers, Lexington, KY. 

Rountree, T. A., Steiner, S. K., Queer Studies Conference, “Recursive Activism: Documenting, Remembering, and Celebrating LGBTQ Voices in WNC,” University of North Carolina Asheville, University of North Carolina Asheville, Asheville, NC. 

Exhibits and Performances 

Rountree, T. A., “Reading of “Junk2Junk” at Santé Wine Bar,” Sylva, NC, USA. (October 28, 2023).

Dr. Drew Virtue 
Associate Professor/Assistant Department Head, English Studies 
English Studies 

Virtue, A. D., Symposium on Communicating Complex Information, “Are We There Yet: Charting the Complexities of Web Mapping Platforms,” NC State, Raleigh, NC.

Dr. Laura Wright 
Full Professor 
English Studies 

Wright, Laura L, and Laura Wright. Appalachian Ecocriticism and the Paradox of Place. Edited by Laura L Wright and Laura Wright, University of Georgia Press, 2023. 


Wright, L. L., 7th International Animal Futures Conference: Animal Advocacy in the Environmental Crisis, “Resisting the Masculinist Rhetoric of “Plant-Based”: An Ecofeminist Vegan Intervention,” The Estonian animal advocacy organization Loomus and the Estonian Vegan Society, Online, Tallin, Eastonia. 

Wright, L. L., iHumanities College Summer School of Literary Theory and Philosophy, ““Literature and Animal Studies”,” University of Wales, Trinity Saint David and St. Berchman’s College, Kerala, India, Online, Wales, England, India. 

Wright, L. L., NETVUE Regional Conference on Food and Vocation, “Interdisciplinary Explorations of Food and Vocation to Foster Conversations About Identity in HEIs,” Wingate University, Wingate University, Wingate, NC. 

Wright, L. L., NETVUE Regional Conference on Food and Vocation, “Wynn Bruce, Climate Intervention, and Retrograde Humanism,” Wingate University, Wingate University, Wingate, NC. 

Wright, L. L., Living with Animals Conference, ““Unhoming in the Anthropocene: Human and Animal Climate Displacement in Amitav Ghosh’s Gun Island.”,” Eastern Kentucky University, Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, KY. 

Geosciences & Natural Resources
Dr. Amy Fagan 
Associate Professor 
Geosciences and Natural Resources 

Anderson, F Scott, et al. Constraining the Origin of Ina, a Lunar Irregular Mare Patch, with DIMPLE. American Geophysical Union, Dec. 2023, p. Abstract #1414986. 

Kring, David A, et al. Elevation Changes and Slope That May Affect EVA Workload Near Potential Artemis Landing Sites. no. No. 2538, IEEE Aerospace Paper, 2023, p. 17. 

Anderson, F Scott, et al. The DIMPLE Experiment to Ina: Resolving a Conundrum in Lunar Thermal Evolution. Geological Society of America, Oct. 2023, p. Abstract #395177. 

Madera, Alyssa, et al. Sector-zoned Pyroxenes in Young Lunar Mare Basalt, Northwest Africa (NWA) 8632: Insights into Crystallization Kinetics During Late-stage Volcanism on the Moon. Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, Aug. 2023, p. Abstract #6053. 

Young, Kelsey, et al. Analog Objectives for Artemis (AOA) Specific Action Team (SAT) Addendum. 2023. 

Edgar, Lauren A., et al. Field-Based Observations of Crew Actions During Simulated Artemis Lunar Exploration: Findings and Recommendations. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Mar. 2023, p. Abstract #2429. 

Skinner, Jim A., et al. Geologic Mapping in Support of Simulated Artemis Lunar Surface Operations: Findings and Recommendations. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Mar. 2023, p. Abstract #2387. 

Richardson, Jacob A., et al. Geospatial Information Strategies and Requirements for Enabling Real-Time Crewed Science on the Moon. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Mar. 2023, p. Abstract #2493. 

Caswell, Tess E, et al. JETT3: A Holistic, Integrated Analog for Artemis Lunar Surface Exploration. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Mar. 2023, p. Abstract #2700. 

Nawotniak, Shannon Kobs, et al. JETT3: Dynamic Science Prioritization in a High-Fidelity Lunar Analog Mission. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Mar. 2023, p. Abstract #2490. 

Fagan, Amy Lynn, et al. Joint EVA Test Team 3 (JETT3) Science as Expected Vs Performed Utilizing the Science Traceability Matrix (STM). Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Mar. 2023, p. Abstract #2460. 

Jacob, Samantha, et al. Lessons Learned in the Science Evaluation Room as Part of the Joint EVA Test Team Field Test 3 (JETT3). Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Mar. 2023, p. Abstract #2670. 

Bell, Ernie R., et al. Science Evaluation Room Architecture for the JETT3 Artemis EVA Simulations. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Mar. 2023, p. Abstract #2460. 

Hurtado, Jose M., et al. Science Imaging Lessons Learned from the JETT3 Artemis Mission Simulation. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Mar. 2023, p. Abstract #2739. 

Young, Kelsey E., et al. The Integration of Science into Artemis Surface Mission Planning: Lessons Learned from the JETT3 Artemis Mission Simulation. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Mar. 2023, p. Abstract #2179. 


Fagan, A. L., Science Mission Directorate’s Planetary Advisory Committee, “Lunar Exploration Analysis Group Updates and Action Requests- June 2023 Edition,” NASA. 

Fagan, A. L., Lunar Surface Science Workshop, “Lunar Exploration Analysis Group (LEAG) Update,” NASA. 

Fagan, A. L., Science Mission Directorate’s Planetary Advisory Committee, “Lunar Exploration Analysis Group Updates and Action Requests- March 2023 Edition,” NASA. 

Dr. Frank Forcino 
Associate Professor/Science Education Program Director 
Geosciences and Natural Resources 

Duncan, S. (Presenter & Author), Forcino, F. L. (Author Only), Bobilya, A. J. (Author Only), Denton, R. (Author Only), Tiger, K. (Author Only), C*Sci 2023, “Lessons from an env. health and education project using western science and cultural methods,” Citizen Science Association, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ. 

Dr. Sarah Parsons 
Assistant Professor 
Geosciences and Natural Resources 

Parsons, S. (Presenter & Author), Willadsen, P. (Author Only), Youngsteadt, E. (Author Only), Association of Southeastern Biologists Annual Meeting, “Opportunities to conserve insect biomass and diversity in a region of urban sprawl: A systems approach.,” Association of Southeastern Biologists. 

Parsons, S. (Author Only), Cox, S. (Presenter & Author), Wardell, R. (Presenter & Author), Balint-Kurti, J. (Presenter & Author), Nijhout, F. (Author Only), Association of Southeastern Biologists Annual Meeting, “Urban legacies: Exploring how demographics, canopy cover, and land use affect ground arthropod biomass in the city,” Association of Southeastern Biologists. 

Parsons, S. (Presenter & Author), Willadsen, P. (Author Only), Youngsteadt, E. (Author Only), Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, “Opportunities to conserve insect biomass and diversity in a region of urban sprawl: A systems approach,” Ecological Society of America, Montreal, Canada. 

Dr. Shane Schoepfer 
Associate Professor 
Geosciences and Natural Resources 

Hogan, H., Schoepfer, S. D., Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, “Provenance of Volcanogenic Sediments in Wuchiapingian and Earliest Changhsingian Strata at Penglaitan,” Portland. 

Arias, S., Schoepfer, S. D., Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, “Resumed Oceanic Upwelling in the Early Triassic from Isotopic Analysis of a Spathian Atoll,” Portland. 

Arias, S., Gaddy, E., Lloyd, A., Mauney, A., Moorer, S. T., Sylvester, A., Schoepfer, S. D., Southeastern Geological Society of America Meeting, “Developing a Facies Model for an Early Triassic Seamount in the Panthalassic Ocean.” 

Shen, C., Schoepfer, S. D., Henderson, C. M., Moslow, T. F., Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, “Cyclostratigraphy of the Lower Triassic (Induan-Olenekian) Montney Formation in NE British Columbia, Western Canada.” 

Schoepfer, S. D., Henderson, C. M., Moslow, T. F., Shen, C., Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, “Extremely High Resolution XRF Core Scanning Reveals the Early Triassic Evolution of the Western Pangaean Margin.” 

Dr. Yang Yang 
Assistant Professor 
Geosciences and Natural Resources 

Adams, Evan, et al. Distribution and Trends of Mercury in Aquatic and Terrestrial Biota of New York, USA: A Synthesis of 50 Years of Research and Monitoring. Ecotoxicology, Oct. 2023, doi:10.1007/s10646-023-02704-0. 


Dr. Nora Doyle 
Assistant Professor 


Casimir, J. (Panelist), Doyle, N. (Panelist), Hayden, J. (Panelist), Mensah, T. L. A. T. (Panelist), Bego, I. (Moderator), Global Spotlight Panel on Global Gender & Sexuality, “Sex Work & Care Work: The Feminization of Poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa,” WCU Campus, Cullowhee, NC.

Dr. Rob Ferguson 
Associate Professor 


Ferguson, Robert Hunt. Review of Through These Mountains: The French Broad River and Time by John E. Ross. no. 2, West Virginia History: A Journal of Regional Studies, Oct. 2023, pp. 186–87. 

Ferguson, Robert H, et al. Sonic Histories: Mapping the Past Through Campus Soundscapes. no. 1, Environment, Space, and Place, Sep. 2023, pp. 32–65. 


Ferguson, R. H., “Piedmont Blues,” Piedmont Folkways, Statesville, NC. 

Exhibits and Performances 

Ferguson, R. H., “Music Parlor Exhibit,” Dillsboro, North Carolina, USA. (August 2020 – Present). 

Dr. Kyle Harvey 
Assistant Professor 


Harvey, K., Annual Meeting, “A Pacific-facing Argentina: Nineteenth-century Social Change and Political Conflict from Western Argentina’s Pacific World,” American Historical Association, Philadelphia, PA. 

Harvey, K., The New Research on Latin American Borderlands, “Place, Property, and Everyday Mobility.” 

Dr. Tracy Mensah 
Assistant Professor 


Mensah, Tracy Lucky Angmorkie Tawiah. Nkrumah’s “Industrial Middlemen,”: Sindhis and Ghana’s Postcolonial Industrial Drive, 1951-1966. no. 2, African Economic History, Nov. 2023, pp. 52–78, 


Casimir, J. (Panelist), Doyle, N. (Panelist), Hayden, J. (Panelist), Mensah, T. L. A. T. (Panelist), Bego, I. (Moderator), Global Spotlight Panel on Global Gender & Sexuality, “Sex Work & Care Work: The Feminization of Poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa,” WCU Campus, Cullowhee, NC. 

Dr. Jessie Swigger 
Associate Professor 


Swigger, J. I., National Council on Public History Annual Meeting, “”Extending the Power of Public history Through Open Access Digital Publishing”,” National Council on Public History, Las Vegas, NV. 

Mathematics & Computer Science
Dr. Scott Barlowe 
Associate Professor 
Mathematics and Computer Science 


Barlowe, Scott Anthony, et al. Towards an Integrated Framework for Managing Software-Defined Networking Models. IEEE SoutheastCon 2023, 2023, pp. 23–30. 


Barlowe, S. A., ACM Southeast Conference 2023, “News Consumption Among CS Majors: Habits, Perceptions, and Challenges,” Virtual. 

Barlowe, S. A., IEEE Southeastcon 2023, “Towards An Integrated Framework for Managing Software-Defined Networking Models,” Virtual. 

Barlowe, S. A., Monthly Connect, North Carolina Office of Strategic Partnerships, Virtual. 

Dr. Mark Budden 
Full Professor 
Mathematics and Computer Science 


Budden, Mark R. The Multicolor Star-Critical Gallai-Ramsey Number for a Path of Order 5. no. 2023, Discrete Mathematics Letters, Oct. 2023, pp. 145–49, 

Budden, Mark R. Star-Critical Ramsey Numbers for Graphs. Springer Briefs in Mathematics, Springer, 2023. 

Budden, Mark R. Ramsey Numbers for Connected 2-Colorings of Complete Graphs. Theory and Applications of Graphs, Apr. 2023, p. 10 pages,

Dr. Sloan Despeaux 
Full Professor 
Mathematics and Computer Science 


Despeaux, Sloan E. “Questions and Answers, Questions Et Réponses: Exchange Between the Educational Times and the Nouvelles Annales De Mathématiques.” Sciences, Circulations, Révolutions. Festschrift Pour Philippe Nabonnand, College Publications, 2023, pp. 237–49. 

Despeaux, Sloan E. [Review Of] the Impact and Legacy of the Ladies’ Diary (1704–1840): A Women’s Declaration by Frank Swetz. no. 504, Newsletter of the London Mathematical Society, Jan. 2023, pp. 22–23, doi:10.1112/NLMS. 

Despeaux, Sloan E. “Report of Working Group on Veblen and the American Mathematical Society.” Oberwolfach Report 2249b: History of Mathematics Through Collaboration: Toward a Composite Portrait of Oswald Veblen, 2023, pp. 26–27, doi:10.4171/OWR/2022/56. 


Despeaux, S. E., MathFest, “Oswald Veblen: Success through Collaboration,” Mathematical Association of America, Tampa, FL.

Dr. Jeff Lawson 
Full Professor/Dean, Graduate School and Research 
Mathematics and Computer Science 


Lawson, Jeffrey K, et al. “Innovative Pedagogies Beyond the Pandemic: UNC Faculty Fellowship Program 2023.” UNC System Learning and Technology Journal, 1st ed., vol. 1, University of North Carolina System, 2023, 

Lawson, Jeffrey K, and Matthew J Rave. Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is?. no. 2, Mathematics in School, Mar. 2023, pp. 24–27.

Dr. Stacey Zimmerman 
Assistant Professor 
Mathematics and Computer Science 


Zimmerman, S., Southeastern Regional Robert Noyce Conference, “Running at Full Capacity: Results of the Smoky Mountain Noyce Scholars Capacity Building Grant,” Mobile, AL. 

Zimmerman, S., Jennings, A. C., Joy of Learning and Teaching, “Creative Joy: Creating Syllabus Infographics,” Coulter Faculty Commons. 

Philosophy & Religion
Dr. David Henderson 
Associate Professor/Department Head, Philosophy and Religion 
Philosophy and Religion 


Henderson, David G. Review of Thomas A. Kerns and Kathleen Dean Moore (eds) Bearing Witness: The Human Rights Case Against Fracking and Climate Change”. Environmental Values, 

Whitmire, John F, and Henderson. “The Lord of the Rings as Philosophy: Environmental Enchantment and Resistance in Peter Jackson and J.R.R. Tolkien.” The Palgrave Handbook of Popular Culture as Philosophy, Palgrave MacMillan, 2023, pp. 1–28, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-97134-6_12-1. 


Henderson, D. G., John J McDermott: A Teacher for whom Philosophy was a Way of Life, “This is Serious,” Queens College CUNY, Hybrid: Zoom and the James Muyskens Conference Room. 

Whitmire, J. F., Henderson, D. G. (Author Only), PCA National Meeting, “The Lord of the Rings as Philosophy: Environmental Enchantment and Resistance in Peter Jackson and J.R.R. Tolkien,” Popular Culture Association, San Antonio, TX. 

Dr. Katharine Mershon 
Assistant Professor 
Philosophy and Religion 


Mershon, Katharine Elizabeth Rand. “”Gender and Sexuality”.” Animals and Religion, edited by Barbara Ambros et al., 1stth ed., Routledge, 2024, 


Mershon, K. E. R., Living with Annuals Bi-Annual Conference, “”But who will I be without my dog?”,” Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, KY. 

Bloom, L. (Presenter & Author), Doss, K. (Presenter & Author), Noltensmeyer, C. J. (Presenter & Author), Mershon, K. (Presenter & Author), SoTL Commons Conference, “Tell me a story: Student perceptions of the effect of story on learning,” Georgia Southern University, Savannah, GA. 

Dr. John Whitmire 
Associate Professor 
Philosophy and Religion 


Whitmire, John F, and Henderson. “The Lord of the Rings as Philosophy: Environmental Enchantment and Resistance in Peter Jackson and J.R.R. Tolkien.” The Palgrave Handbook of Popular Culture as Philosophy, Palgrave MacMillan, 2023, pp. 1–28, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-97134-6_12-1. 


Whitmire, J. F., Henderson, D. G. (Author Only), PCA National Meeting, “The Lord of the Rings as Philosophy: Environmental Enchantment and Resistance in Peter Jackson and J.R.R. Tolkien,” Popular Culture Association, San Antonio, TX. 

Whitmire, J. F., “The Lord of the Rings as Philosophy: Environmental Enchantment and Resistance in Peter Jackson and J.R.R. Tolkien,” Western North Carolina Circle of Continental Philosophers, Asheville, NC. 

Political Science & Public Affairs
Dr. Ingrid Bego 
Associate Professor 
Political Science and Public Affairs 


Casimir, J. (Panelist), Doyle, N. (Panelist), Hayden, J. (Panelist), Mensah, T. L. A. T. (Panelist), Bego, I. (Moderator), Global Spotlight Panel on Global Gender & Sexuality, “Sex Work & Care Work: The Feminization of Poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa,” WCU Campus, Cullowhee, NC. 

Dr. Todd Collins 
Western Carolina University 
Steed Distinguished Professor/Department Head, Political Science and Public Affairs 
Political Science and Public Affairs 


Collins, Todd A, and Matthew Baker. From Roadside Stopes to the Courthouse Stairs: Defendant Race and the Attorney’s Role in Routine Cases. Journal of Law and Courts, Mar. 2023, 

Dr. Chris Cooper 
Full Professor 
Political Science and Public Affairs 


Bitzer, Michael, et al. Substitution Effect, Turnout Effect, or Both? Changes in Distance to the Early Voting Site and Voter Turnout. no. 3, Election Law Journal: Rules, Politics, and Policy, 2023, pp. 278–285. 

Bitzer, J. Michael, et al. The North Carolina Network for Fair, Safe, and Secure Elections: Implications for Practice. no. 1, Journal of Election Administration Research and Practice, 2023, pp. 4–11. 

Cooper, Christopher A. The Politics of Health Communications. no. 3, North Carolina Medical Journal, 2023. 

Cooper, Christopher A, and Heather Nicole Symon Rimes. Towards a Measure of Local Legislative Professionalism. Urban Affairs Review, 2023, p. 10780874231194937. 

Cooper, Christopher A. White Nationalism and the Republican Party: Toward Minority Rule in America. by John Ehrenberg. New York: Routledge Press, 2022. 140p. 48.95 Paper.. no. 2, Perspectives on Politics, 2023, pp. 733–734. 

Dr. Charles Fagan 
Associate Instructor 
Political Science and Public Affairs 


Fagan, C. J. (Presenter & Author), Michelsen, N. G. (Presenter & Author), International Political Science Association World Congress, “Educational Disarmament in the Face of Rising Nuclear Threats,” International Poltiical Science Association, Universidad Católica Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 

Fagan, C. J. (Presenter & Author), Miwest Political Science Association Annual Meeting, “The Changing Balance of Power: How the Russia-Ukraine War is Accelerating the U.S.-China Rivalry,” Midwest Political Science Association, Palmer House, Chicago, IL. 

Fagan, C. J. (Presenter & Author), Michelsen, N. G. (Presenter & Author), Midwest Political Science Association Annual Meeting, “Educational Disarmament in the Face of Rising Nuclear Threats,” Midwest Political Science Association, Palmer House, Chicago, IL.

Andrew Grandage 
Assistant Professor 
Political Science and Public Affairs 


Grandage, Andrew J, and David Mitchell. Who Has Turned the Project Management Lights On? a Comparative Analysis of Transportation and Information Technology in US State Governments. no. 3, Public Budgeting and Finance, pp. 21–38, doi: 

Grandage, Andrew J, et al. Treading Water: Planning for Sea Level Rise in the Southeastern United States. Public Works Management and Policy, May 2023, doi: 

Dr. Jessica Meghan Hayden 
Assistant Professor 
Political Science and Public Affairs 


Ferguson, Robert H, et al. Sonic Histories: Mapping the Past Through Campus Soundscapes. no. 1, Environment, Space, and Place, Sep. 2023, pp. 32–65. 


Casimir, J. (Panelist), Doyle, N. (Panelist), Hayden, J. (Panelist), Mensah, T. L. A. T. (Panelist), Bego, I. (Moderator), Global Spotlight Panel on Global Gender & Sexuality, “Sex Work & Care Work: The Feminization of Poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa,” WCU Campus, Cullowhee, NC.

Dr. Niall Michelsen 
Full Professor 
Political Science and Public Affairs 


Fagan, C. J. (Presenter & Author), Michelsen, N. G. (Presenter & Author), International Political Science Association World Congress, “Educational Disarmament in the Face of Rising Nuclear Threats,” International Poltiical Science Association, Universidad Católica Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 

Fagan, C. J. (Presenter & Author), Michelsen, N. G. (Presenter & Author), Midwest Political Science Association Annual Meeting, “Educational Disarmament in the Face of Rising Nuclear Threats,” Midwest Political Science Association, Palmer House, Chicago, IL. 

Dr. Heather Rimes 
Associate Professor/MPA Director 
Political Science and Public Affairs 


Cooper, Christopher A, and Heather Nicole Symon Rimes. Towards a Measure of Local Legislative Professionalism. Urban Affairs Review, 2023, p. 10780874231194937. 

World Languages
Dr. Santiago Garcia-Castanon 
Full Professor 
World Languages 


Garcia-Castanon, Santiago. “Noticias De Última Hora / Breaking News.” No, Orpheus Ediciones Clandestinas, 2023, p. 158. 

Exhibits and Performances 

Garcia-Castanon, S., “New York Poetry Festival,” New York City. (October 2021 – Present). 

Dr. Will Lehman 
Full Professor/Department Head, World Languages 
World Languages 


Lehman, William E. Lion Dancers Usher in Asian New Year with Festivities at Folkmoot. The Mountaineer, 14 Jan. 2023. 


Lehman, W. E., South Atlantic Modern Language Association, “KI-netik des DaF-Unterrichts: Propelling German Instruction with AI Tools,” SAMLA, Atlanta, GA. 

Dr. Michael Martinez Jr 
Assistant Professor 
World Languages 


Martinez Jr, Michael. The Specter of Capitalism: Reading the Anthropocene in Vicente Blasco Ibáñez’s Cañas Y Barro. Decentring the Anthropocene: Spanish Ecocritical Texts and the Non-Human, 2023, pp. 179–99, doi: 

Martinez Jr, Michael. ‘¡La Vaguada Es Nuestra!’: The Cultural Politics of Madrid’s First Shopping Mall. no. 3, Romance Quarterly, Aug. 2023, pp. 151–78, doi:DOI: 10.1080/08831157.2023.2224803. 


Martinez Jr, M., Midwest Modern Language Association (MMLA) Convention, “Drugs, inseguridad ciudadana, and the Social Production of Place in Post- Franco Madrid,” Cincinnati, OH. 

Dr. Lori Oxford 
Full Professor/Associate Dean, Brinson Honors College 
World Languages 


Oxford, Lori F. Pedro Juan Gutiérrez’s Dirty Realism: Reinventing Cuban Spaces. Lexington Books, 2023. 


Oxford, L. F., Mountain Interstate Foreign Language Conference (MIFLC), “An Animal tropical left out in the cold: Pedro Juan Gutiérrez and Cuban identity outside of Cuba,” Mountain Interstate Foreign Language Association (MIFLA), Shenandoah University, Winchester, VA. 

Oxford, L. F., yearly meeting, “Feminist Reframing: una cumbia de Renee Goust,” Southeastern Council of Latin American Studies (SECOLAS), Antigua, Guatemala.