Agricultural Mediation
In 1987 Congress authorized the Secretary of Agriculture to help states develop agricultural mediation programs.
These grant-funded programs provide mediation for disputes involving producers directly affected by USDA actions, as well as other covered disputes.
NCAMP and FARMVA are two of these state programs.
Our mediators are all familiar with farming and rural issues. They are experienced and attend yearly training to maintain their skills.

North Carolina Agricultural Mediation Program (NCAMP)
The North Carolina Agricultural Mediation Program (NCAMP) has been working with North Carolina residents to resolve disputes between producers and other entities.
Learn more about mediation, meet our mediators and request assistance.

Farm Agricultural Resources and Mediation of Virginia (FARMVA)
The Farm Agricultural Resources and Mediation of Virginia Program (FARMVA) has been working with Virginia residents to resolve disputes between producers and other entities.
Learn more about mediation, meet our mediators and request assistance.