The Maine Agricultural Mediation Program hosted a webinar, “Introductory Peacemaking for Mediators: Enriching Your Practice with Circle Process” on Tuesday, January 7, 2025. Andy Krull was the presenter and Lucy Wess, of Maine AMP was moderator. NCAMP/FARM-VA Mediation Director Bob Holbert attended the class, along with program mediators Shannon Sneary-Alabanza and Wanda Braithwaite-Baril. The process of “Peacemaking” as employed in mediation was described and examined. Additionally, “Circle Process” was presented, a mediation method that has roots in Native American Culture and involves a circular arrangement of participants with no tables or obstacles between. A speaking talisman (basket, feather, or other physical object) is passed around the circle. The only person who speaks is the one holding the object. Successive circles of introduction, identification of issues, reaching consensus, and conclusion transpire in the process. The webinar about this method was very beneficial.
Exploring Peacemaking in Mediation: Insights from the Maine Agricultural Mediation Program Webinar
by Salim | Jan 24, 2025 | FARMVA, NCAMP