
Rose, A. J., Cooper-Duffy, K. J., Long, S. E., Mauco, M., “Strategies to Use During Covid-19 “Stay at Home”,” Autism Botswana, Teleconference via zoom, Botswana. (April 6, 2020).

Cooper-Duffy, K., Davis, T., Rose, A. (2018). International Experience on a Study-Abroad Course to Botswana, Africa. Welcome Back Reception for Faculty Who Took Students Abroad, Hosted by International Programs and Services, Blue Ridge Conference Room, WCU

Cooper-Duffy, K., Rose, A., Davis, T. (2018). International Experience on a Study-Abroad Course to Botswana, Africa. Hosted by: College of Education and Allied Professionals (CEAP), International partnerships and faculty-led travel open forum, Killian 102, WCU.  

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) Convention; Revolutionary Learning. Evolutionary Practice. November 15-17, 2018; Boston, MA 

Rose, A., Davis, T. & Cooper-Duffy, K. Botswana International Service Learning Project: Expanding Intercultural Competence & Cross-Cultural Communication Skills (Poster). To see the poster, click here.

Flynn, P., Rose, A., Cuddington, M., Dorrell, H., Jones, J., McCarthy, A., Nosworthy, J., and Williams, N. A Revolutionary Cultural Exchange in Botswana’s Schools (Poster). To see the poster, click here.

2018 TASH Conference; November 28-30, 2018; Portland, Oregon

Cooper-Duffy, K., Rose, A., Davis, T. Botswana International Service Learning Project: Expanding Intercultural Competence and Cross-Cultural Communication Skills (50-minute breakout session). 

Cooper-Duffy, K., Davis, T., Rose, A. The Impact of a Study Abroad Experience for Professionals and Graduate Students who Work with Low Incidence Populations (50-minute break-out session)

20th International Conference on Autism, Intellectual Disability, and Developmental Disabilities; January 16-18, 2019; Kanaapali Beach, Maui

Rose, A., Cooper-Duffy, K. Teaching Children with Autism through a Collaborative Partnership with Western Carolina University and Autism Botswana, accepted as a lecture presentation. To see the presentation, click here.

Cooper-Duffy, K., Rose, A. Botswana International Service Learning Project: Expanding Intercultural Competence and Cross-Cultural Communication Skills, accepted as a lecture presentation. To see the presentation, click here.

Study Abroad Forum, March 6, 2019; WCU, Cullowhee, NC

Cooper-Duffy, K., Rose, A. General information about study abroad in Botswana; oral presentation


Rose, A. J., Cooper-Duffy, K. J. (2020) Implementation of an Interprofessional Study Abroad Experience in Botswana with Pre-Educators to Facilitate Cultural Humility. Study Abroad in Teacher Education: Transformative Learning at the Global Scale. Routledge Publishing.

Article in the WCU Reporter

Article in the CEAP Newsletter