Faculty Forward: A Learning Community for New Faculty

Faculty Forward 6 anchor model. 6 spokes each with a different anchor: big questions, starter questions, mindfulness moments, pedagogical wellness, content, and reflection.


We are pleased to offer Faculty Forward, a learning community for new faculty. First piloted in 2021-2022, Faculty Forward is a successful and impactful signature program offered by Coulter Faculty Commons.

Faculty Learning Outcome

Apply the engaged teaching model process within a supportive peer community to increase teaching self-efficacy.


The mission of the Faculty Forward Program is:

  1. To provide a confidential, safe community for faculty to talk about teaching and learning.
  2. To share research and emerging practices shown to have a positive impact on teaching and learning.
  3. To provide faculty networking opportunities with beginning, middle, and late career faculty as well as Coulter Faculty Commons Staff and Faculty Fellows.
  4. To provide opportunities for self-care and reflection in support of faculty growth.


  • Get support during your teaching journey at WCU by networking with faculty and staff experts as well as other new faculty in your cohort. 
  • Explore ways to align your content with evidence-based teaching strategies and methods to engage your students. 
  • Receive a copy of Engaged Teaching: A Handbook for College Faculty (Barkley & Major, 2022). 
  • Experience mindful moments that are infused into workshops that can be carried into your everyday. 
  • Receive a letter of participation from Coulter Faculty Commons for your annual faculty evaluations and/or tenure and promotion dossiers. 

Time Commitment

To receive the full benefits of the program, we ask that you commit with your attendance, participation, and follow through. The total faculty time commitment  is estimated at 2 – 3 hours per month, approximately four times per semester.


2022-2023 Successes

  • Participating faculty showed a statistically significant increase in teaching confidence scores.
  • Increased cohort size by 100%.


2023-2024 Successes

2024-2025 Successes