Information and Updates

Increasing Student Engagement With Regular and Substantive Interaction

How many days do you log into Canvas and interact with the students? How quickly do you give helpful feedback on activities and assessments? Do you set your students' expectations by including an email/discussion response statement in your syllabus? Why do we pose...

Questions about WCU IRB? We Are Here to Help!

Guest Blogger: Dr. Mallory Ball, Director, Research Compliance & Integrity If you are interested in research, it is likely you have heard about the IRB.  The acronym “IRB” stands for "Institutional Review Board” and is a committee established to review and approve...

5 Ways to Manage Burnout

No matter your status -- staff, faculty, or student -- if you work and you are human, you are at risk for burnout.   The World Health Organization defines burnout as “a syndrome conceptualized as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully...