Hannah Styles, a senior communication student, spent her summer 2019 covering Washington Politics for One America News Network. Styles, who is concentrating in broadcasting with a minor in political science, obtained her internship though the National Journalism Center. Style’s internship provided her with a lot of writing and interviewing opportunities and field experience. We asked Hannah some questions about her overall experience during her internship.
Before the internship, communication students must complete a certain amount of credit hours within their concentration. How did these classes help prepare you for your internship?
The classes that helped me the most during my internship were Writing for Broadcasting, News Reporting I, and TV Productions I. In Writing for Broadcasting and News Reporting, I learned how to create a lead, decipher what is “news worthy,” and improve my writing for print and broadcasting. In TV Productions, I learned how to use Adobe Premiere Pro and basic camera equipment and microphones. This helped me with my internship this summer, because I had to find and pitch stories to my supervisor, write the script, record the voice-over and stand-up and occasionally was required to edit my own packages. It impressed my supervisors that I knew how to use Premiere Pro.
What was the most challenging aspects of your internship?
The most challenging aspects of my internship was navigating the DC metro. Ha! For real though: I got the chance to interview Congressman Brady of Texas on the field at Nationals Stadium during the Congressional Baseball Game and I was so nervous my hands were shaking holding the microphone. So, I would say the most difficult part was interviewing people that made me nervous, like Congressmen, activists, and experts.
How did your internship help improve your studies at WCU?
My internship improved my script writing, interviewing, on screen persona, and editing abilities.
What advice would you like to give students who are looking for an internship?
Apply to a bunch of different places, anything that you are remotely interested in, and see what works out. I applied to over 15 places and thought that the internship that I got, was too out of reach and competitive, but ended up getting surprised in a good way. Just put yourself out there and see what happens, you never know.