Presenter and Student Check-in

September 10, 2022 – Cullowhee Campus

The Check-in Process

Presenters and Students will check-in for their presentation at separate locations. Presenters and students will check-in at the A.K. Hinds University Center (UC) . Please use the back entrance on the 3rd floor. A Link to the WCU campus map is provided below.

Presentations throughout the day will be in the UC and Forsyth Building (a short walking distance from the UC).

For Presenters

Community and Campus Partners

Brinson Honors Students

Check-in instructions for Students

CURE Schedule

Preview times and locations of CURE 2022

Students! Start Your CURE today!

Before joining us for CURE please complete your Canvas module on Community Engagement and Service-Learning. Explore and plan your CURE Schedule!

Submit Questions Early for CURE's Keynote Speaker!