8th Annual Conference on Undergraduate Regional Engagement

September 16, 2023 – Cullowhee Campus

2023 Conference on Undergraduate Regional Engagement (CURE)

CURE is the Conference on Undergraduate Regional Engagement, and designed for Brinson Honors Students to engage with the regional community partners and understand the challenges they face. This year, the conference will host an opening plenary panel, a series of concurrent sessions centered on issues and skills, and a call to action to serve and give back.

CURE provides Brinson Honors Students an intimate and personalized platform to connect with service-learning opportunities. Our CURE Opening Plenary and Keynote Address by Jon Campbell will kick-off the event on September 16, igniting passion in students to level-up their service experiences and think outside of the box on on what it means to be engaged with your community.  Concurrent Sessions will follow the opening plenary, allowing students to hear from community partner organizations and learn about the most significant issues we face in Western North Carolina. Campus Partners will also join CURE and provide students a chance to learn how to integrate service-learning into their broader collegiate experience.

CURE is a unique academic conference and opportunity to engage fully in the Community Engagement Touchstone of the Brinson Honors Path. Get Excited!

Opening Plenary and Keynote Speaker
Dr. Jon Campbell, Professor and director of the PsyD program at WCU, will deliver this year’s keynote address. Dr. Campbell has worked in the field of neurodevelopmental disabilities for over 20 years.
Schedule of Concurrent Sessions
CURE is designed as a formal academic conference. Students will select concurrent sessions to attend. A variety of sessions are offered to meet the interests of students and highlight the various challenges our region faces. Explore more to plan out your experience at CURE!
Community Engagement Touchstone
CURE offers students the opportunity to initiate their service-learning requirements for USI 101. Explore what this means, and how CURE can connect back to your service-learning experience, a requirement for your USI 101 course.
Closing Plenary:
A Call to Action
Associate Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs, William Moultrie, will provide the Closing Plenary and the annual CURE Call to Action.
The diverse perspectives encountered at WCU are an impoprtant part of the preparation of students for roles as regional, national, and global leaders who contribute to the improvement of society. It is expected that members of the WCU community will not only coexist with those who are different from themselves, but also nurture respect and appreciation of those differences.


Featured Presenters

Western North Carolina is home to many regional community organizations that aim to reduce barriers and meet issues head on by collaborating, innovating, and staying informed on the facts.

Community Partner Presenter Sessions will focus on raising awareness around issues that are important to the Western North Carolina region. Presenters will share how their local organization responds to challenges and barriers. Through the lens of “lessons learned”, presenters will discuss with their audience “next step engagement opportunities” to spur on our action around the issues. Gain awareness and facts, and start your service experience with these sessions.

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future. At its heart are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are an urgent call for action by all countries – developed and developing – in a global partnership. They recognize that ending poverty and other deprivations must go hand-in-hand with strategies that improve health and education, reduce inequality, and spur economic growth – all while tackling climate change and working to preserve our oceans and forests. Source: https://sdgs.un.org/goals

CURE Sponsors

Students! Start Your CURE today!

Before joining us for CURE please complete your Canvas module on Community Engagement and Service-Learning. Explore and plan your CURE Schedule!

Submit Questions Early for CURE's Keynote Speaker!