Be Ready for CURE!

It’s more than just showing up…


September 16, 2023 – Cullowhee Campus

Framing Your Experience

CURE ’23 is designed for students to engage, connect, and act. 

  • Be intentional in selecting your schedule of concurrent sessions – attend sessions that strike your interests, passions, and goals; have back-up options!
  • Collaborate and lean in – network with community partners and presenters; form groups/teams to serve; stop and reflect with yourself and others! 
  • Commit to action and service – at the end of CURE have a plan for your service experience; schedule your service experience (as required for USI 101).

It’s important that you prepare yourself for the CURE so you can get the most out of the experience. Participate in the USI 101 Service-Learning Module below, Explore Engage and sign in, and Preview the Concurrent Sessions and CURE Schedule. 

WCU’s Service-Learning Module

Complete the Service Learning Module in advance of CURE Saturday. Consider completing the Service Style Inventory and the DEAL Reflection on service.

WCU Engage

WCU Engage is the platform for Catamounts to find organizations, attend events, and track involvement. Sign in to Engage by using your Catamount Credentials. 

CURE Schedule

Explore the lineup of community partners and skill session presenters. Map out your plans to attend your preferred concurrent sessions for September 16.

Students! Start Your CURE today!

Before joining us for CURE please complete your Canvas module on Community Engagement and Service-Learning. Explore and plan your CURE Schedule!

Submit Questions Early for CURE's Keynote Speaker!