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LMS Review FAQ’s

What will happen to our archived courses?

We will continue to retain archives using the current retention policy.  The exact method of assessing the archives will depend upon the system chosen, but consideration of the archives will be part of the migration plan.

Will we have to make all new content?

We will make every effort to help you to migrate your content to the new system, but, this move is very much like moving from VCR to DVD or from DVD to digital media.  Some content and procedures will have to be re-engineered or replaced.

Which systems are we considering?

We are considering the newest version of Blackboard, Blackboard Ultra; Canvas by Instructure; and Brightspace by D2L.  All three are the industry leaders in Learning Management Systems.

Are we considering Blackboard?

Yes.  We are considering Blackboard Ultra which has some similarities and backwards compatibility with Blackboard Learn Original, our current system.  Staying with our current system is not in the best interests of our students and so is not a consideration.

Are we moving to Canvas?

Canvas is one of three systems being considered.  All three systems will be tested and vetted by the campus community before a recommendation is made.  There is no standing bias for any one system, and the CFC invites campus participants to join in helping to decide which system will be the best choice for the next decade of online learning at WCU.

Will we have help migrating courses?

The CFC will allocate as many resources as possible toward the migration in the Spring of 2021 as possible.  The LMS review team is requesting additional one-time funding for instructional and migration assistance as a part of the 20-21 budget process.  The amount of assistance for migration beyond the best efforts of the CFC staff will be dependent upon the disposition of those requests.