2022 Graduate 3-Minute Thesis Competition
The 3MT competition is a presentation that lasts literally 3 minutes and highlights a student’s thesis, dissertation, business plan, or scholarly project. It was started at the University of Queensland in Australia in 2008 and has now spread to more than 350 universities across the world. The purpose of the presentation style is to train students to condense and highlight their scholarly work to an educated, but diverse audience in preparation for job interviews, business interactions, and conversations with colleagues both inside and outside of their discipline.
3MT® 2022 Award Winners
First Place: $500 Cash
Second Place: $250 Cash
People’s Choice: $250 Cash
Cash awards provided by the Graduate Student Association
Top 12 Finalists
3MT Competitors | Program |
Brandy Burns | Psychology |
Cheniqua Arthur | Higher Education Student Affairs |
Connor Larmore | Biology |
Emma Hamilton | English |
Erin Waddell | Experiential & Outdoor Education |
Hannah Noel | Biology |
Kathryn Strickler | Communication Sciences & Disorders |
Luis Hemmer | Business Adminstration |
Melissa Rogers | Biology |
Nicole Cook | Biology |
Sara Rivera | Biology |
Tara Hall | Biology |
2022 3MT Judges
3MT Judges
Sam Castelblanco
Leobardo Diosdado
Megan Woody
Christopher Cooper
Candy Noltensmeyer
Andre Velasquez
Katharine Mershon
Lane Perry
Kevan Frazier