25th Undergraduate Research Exposition

 The Undergraduate Research Exposition, part of WCU’s campus-wide Research and Scholarship Conference, provides students with the opportunity to work with faculty to present their research to an engaged audience on campus.   

Discover the Undergraduate Exposition


Undergraduate Exposition Presentations

The 25th Annual Undergraduate Exposition features research poster presentations, oral presentations, and performance and fine arts exhibits. This annual conference provides undergraduate students with the opportunity to present their research to an engaged audience.


Academic Project Grants

The Office of the Provost sponsors Undergraduate Academic Project Grants (APGs) each year to support students with the opportunity to work on research or creative activities with faculty.  Projects are reviewed by a committee of faculty from across WCU’s colleges and the Hunter Library.


2023 NCUR Accepted Projects

Western Carolina University has established itself as a national leader in undergraduate research and has a long-standing tradition of acceptance and participation in the National Conference on Undergraduate Research. Students accepted to NCUR have the opportunity to present their undergraduate research along with peers from across disciplines. Since 1987, NCUR has been a flagship conference for undergraduate researchers to share, celebrate, and promote their research achievements. 


Schedule At-A-Glance

Wednesday, March 22nd

Undergraduate Expo and Graduate Research Symposium at the A.K. Hinds University Center and the Ramsey Regional Activity Center 

  • 9:00 am – 4:00 pm – Undergraduate and Graduate Oral and Performance presentations in the A.K. Hinds University Center. Sponsored by the Graduate Research Symposium and the Undergrad Exposition.
  • 4:55 pm – 6:00 pm – The Research and Scholarship Conference Keynote Event. Sponsored by the Graduate Research Symposium and the Undergraduate Exposition, and will be held in the Ramsey Center Arena. The keynote presentation will be livestreamed at go.wcu.edu/rasc.
  • 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm The Undergraduate Exposition and Graduate Research Symposium Poster Presentations and Conference Celebration, to be held on the Concourse Level of the Ramsey Center.
    • An awards ceremony for undergraduate and graduate competitions will also be held on the concourse level at this time.


Thursday, March 23rd

The Faculty Scholarship Celebration in the A.K. Hinds University Center 

  • 11:00 am – 12:00 pm – The 2nd Annual Faculty 3-Minute Research Talk Competition in the A.K. Hinds University Center’s Grandroom 
  • 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm – Faculty Scholarship Celebration Luncheon in the Grandroom
    • Announcement and Celebration of the WCU Million Dollar Circle Awardees for 2022-2023 will be included








The Research and Scholarship Conference would not be possible without the leadership and support of so many from across Western’s campus. We wish to extend our gratitude to those who have made this event possible.

The 2023 Research and Scholarship Conference Organizing and Leadership Team:

  • Jill Granger, Dean, The Brinson Honors College 
  • Joy Bowers-Campbell, Interim Dean, Graduate School and Research
  • Brandon Schwab, Associate Provost for Academic Affairs
  • Suzanne Melton, Administrative Support Associate, Office of the Provost
  • Kloo Hansen, Undergraduate Research Coordinator, Office of the Provost 
  • Laina Lemire, Director of Communications and Recruiting, Graduate School and Research 
  • Samuel Wallace, Visual Art and Marketing Specialist
  • Scottie Kapel, Outreach and Scholarly Communications, Hunter Library
  • Todd Lawing and the Ramsey Center Arena Staff
  • Paul Hammer and the A.K. Hinds University Center Staff
  • Amy Morgan, Undergraduate Research Intern
  • The Brinson Honors College Board of Directors and Ambassadors
  • The Graduate Student Association
  • The WCU Print Shop