Nora Radway Moore, an instructor of Nonverbal Communication, helps students unlock the often-overlooked power of nonverbal behavior in both their personal and professional lives.

“Nonverbal communication is an extremely powerful tool that we often overlook,” said Moore. “In this course, I try to focus on practical applications of the skills and concepts we cover to show students how these skills will benefit them beyond the classroom and even beyond academic contexts.”

The course examines nonverbal behavior across various contexts, including interpersonal relationships, intercultural communication, and organizational settings. Students explore nonverbal codes such as touch, space, time, scent, body movement, and personal appearance.

Moore’s passion for the subject is rooted in her own experiences. 

“I’ve been told throughout my life that while I’m quieter and not super verbal, I’m very nonverbally expressive,” she said. “When I took my first nonverbal communication course in college, I realized this was a strength, not a weakness.”

Moore aims to give students the same sense of empowerment through engaging activities and assignments.

“I want students to gain a greater understanding of the power and impact of nonverbal communication,” she explained. “My goal is to help them become better communicators and better humans as they navigate the world.”

Moore also hinted at possible developments for the future of the course. 

“I don’t want to jinx it, but I’m hopeful there will be something official to share about future offerings of Nonverbal Communication by the end of the semester,” she said.

The course is open to all majors and offers valuable insights for any career path. 

“This course has so much to offer to all communication majors, regardless of their concentration, and to anyone interested in improving their communication skills,” Moore said. “Tell your friends to take the class!”

Students interested in learning more about Nonverbal Communication can contact Moore at for additional information.
