Environmental Education

Students attend a field tip in Cherokee working with Rainee Tetreault to go over the water quality of Bunches Creek. They are looking for indicator invertebrates that show if a stream or creek is healthy.

Classroom Education

Environmental awareness and stewardship starts with education; for students, this education begins in the classroom. Western Carolina University partnered with local high schools science classes to work with students and educate them on environmental strategies for protection and observation.  It is critical to get the youth involved and interested in protecting our environment, because they are the next generation that will be inheriting our world.

Field Trips

Field trips are important for getting the students hands on experience in the field. P.A.W held several trips for the students, to introduce them to air and water quality monitoring in practice. In February, students attended a field trip to the Tribal air quality monitoring sites managed by the Air Quality Office in the EBCI Natural Resources Department.


Dr. Frank Forcino leads lessons on the science of air quality. (I feel like we should get a short paragraph from Frank discussing what he went over with the students)