Join our Excellence in Teaching & Learning Event (ETLE) focused on AI this February!

Our Excellence in Teaching & Learning Event (ETLE) that was originally planned for October 2024 will now be held on Friday, February 28. We have partnered with the Hunter Library to bring in two external experts on AI as speakers, Tony Elkins and William Duffy.

Blue Ridge Conference Center (Blue Ridge 108A) from 9:00 am – 3:30 pm.


9:00 – 9:30 am Welcome
9:30 – 10:30 am Tony Elkins
Ethics of AI
Students are invited to this session
10:45 – 11:45 am Will Duffy
Inductive, Inclusive, Iterative: Developing AI Literacy in Practice
12:30 – 1:45 pm AI Faculty Panel
1:55  – 3:30 pm Workshop: Using AI in your teaching









Register to save your seat!QR code to registration form.

Headshot of Tony Elkins.

Tony Elkins, a citizen of the Comanche Nation, is a faculty member at Poynter. His portfolio includes Poynter’s early and mid-career leadership workshops Essential Skills for Rising Newsroom Leaders and the Leadership Academy for Diversity in Media. He is a founding member of the News Product Alliance and has an extensive product and project management background. He is one of Poynter’s generative AI experts, specializing in ethics, use cases and effects of visual AI models. Elkins is the co-author of Poynter’s AI Ethics Handbook. He will speak about the ethics of AI. 

William Duffy is a Professor of English at the University of Memphis where he is Director of Graduate Studies and teaches in the Writing, Rhetoric, and Technical Communication program.He will share insights from his current research on teaching with AI and will conduct a hands-on workshop where you can bring an assignment or assessment to modify. 

Headshot of William Duffy.