Professor Sean Mulholland became the CSFE Director in July 2022.
Student Voices: Alexia Bevers

Student Voices: Alexia Bevers

Editor's Note: CSFE helped send Ally Bevers, a senior math and econ major, to the Claremont Graduate University Empirical Workshop held June 10 - 13, 2019. Ally is planning to enter a doctoral program in finance or economics next fall, so she is already putting to...

Student Voices: Sean Duffy

Student Voices: Sean Duffy

This entry comes in the form of a letter from Sean Duffy to Angela Dills, who is the project director on the North Carolina Data Dashboard. Sean has contributed as one of four student workers on the Dashboard. He has a great story, only a small slice of which is...

From the Moon to Cullowhee

From the Moon to Cullowhee

Think of the last book you read. Was there a dedication? Most likely it was to the author’s mother, spouse, child, friend, mentor, or colleague. At the very least it is very likely that the book was dedicated to someone known to the author personally, right? The same...

Opening Doors for New Opportunities

I could have never imagined all that I could accomplish in a year and the doors that would open due to the experiences allowed to me because of the funding and mentorship of the CSFE Pre Doctoral program. I started my journey with a trip to the Green Sport Alliance...

Congratulations to Lindsey Elias!

Congratulations to Lindsey Elias!

Here recently, the students of Future Business Leaders of America-Phi Beta Lambda have been sharing a lot of their successes—and rightly so. These students are outstanding in more ways than I can enumerate here. But during a recent chat with her, I learned that...
