Team:The Sharks of Lorien  /  An Avocado Productions

Challenge: #1 Middle School

Team Members: Maggie Beard, Eli Westbrook, Macianna Kiefer, Lawson Sanders, Beck King

Teacher: Kim Wagner, Hendersonville Middle School


I Am Number Four” is a science fiction entrancing book series.  This fascinating book is about two different races of alien who are coming to earth, both for very different reasons.  The main character is….drum roll please…John Smith! John Smith, commonly known as number four, is a part of the last of his kind, the Lorien.  The Loriens are an old species of aliens who’s home planet was invaded by the antagonist….The Mogadorians.

There are two different types of Loriens, the Garde and the Cepans.  The Garde have powers that can only be used in stories. They also have powers that we can only dream of.  These are called legacies, on the other hand, there are the mogadorians. The gruesome mogadorians (Mogs as we like to call them), come from a dying planet and are trying to take over the nearest planet with the best resources. They are merciless creachers of destruction, or so it seems.  For example, the mogs, as we like to call them, took out the Loriens home planet without hesitation. That is why the Loriens and the Mogs are competing for earth. When the Mogs attacked, the most powerful of the Garde the ten elders. These elders were killed during the war, but transferred their powers to nine surviving children.  Once the children arrived at the planet earth they split up never to see each other again. There was a spell or sort of binder placed on the survivors and the spell enameled that they could only be killed in order, unless there were two right next to each other. Then it was fair game.

John smith and his cepan, Henri, have recently moved and have landed in Paradise, Ohio after receiving his third scar. He meets a girl, falls deeply in love and does not wants to leave even when his life is in danger. He makes a best friend who goes with him all over the world but that is a different story.  John develops legacies, makes enemies, has adventures and completes a story filled with fun and fantasy. But beware, once you read one you will not be able to put it down, I have been a victim of this many times. Get this book from your library.


Here is the link to the video!