Salva’s Well

Salva’s Well

Team Info: Kaeley Angela Summary of Novel: ”A Long Walk To Water” by Linda Sue Park is based on a true story about Salva Dut who walked all the way from Southern Sudan to America. This is because there was a war going on in Southern Sudan between the North and the...

Harry Potter and the Necessitator

Team Info: Inventors: Whitney Saucier Gwen Mabie Shakiah Bess Grover C. Fields Middle School Summary of Novel: Your novel’s summary goes here. All entries should have a summary in this section. Add the rest of your information below. You can add text by typing...

Interview with Salva Dut on the Ellen Show

Clear Creek Elementary- A Long Walk To Water by LInda sue park Team- Kyra and Michele Summary- Long Walk To Water is about a boy named Salva Dut who went though a terrible time at such a young age, traveling to escape the war. He traveled through blistering heat with...

Carrboro Elementary School-Wonder

Team Info: Carrboro Elementary School Brandy Hutchens Ari, Isabella, Lucy, Lucy Summary of Novel: In the novel Wonder, by R.J Palacio the main character is named August Pullman (Auggie). He has a facial deformity or Treacher Collins Syndrome. Unfortunately that...