Team Info:

  • Team Name:  Owen’s Mavelous Muggle Magic Masks
  • Sponsor Teacher:  Mr. John McDonald
  • Participating student:  Owen Wetzel

 Summary of Novel:

The Harry Potter series follows three students – Harry Potter, Hermonie Granger, and Ron Weasley – at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.  The first book is called Harry Potter and the Sorcer’s Stone.  In this book Harry finds out he is a wizard.  His aunt and uncle lied to him about his parents and his past.  He learns his parents were killed by you know who and this is the reason he has a lightning bolt scar.  He is invited to Hogwarts to study magic.  At school he plays a wizard sport called quidditch and becomes the youngest member on his team.    Harry and his friends think Professor Snape is trying to steal the Sorcer’s Stone.  Harry, Hermonie, and Ron try to save the stone and have to go through deadly challenges.  Harry finds out Professor Quirrell is the real thief and the person who has been drinking unicorn blood to revive you know who.  You know who is on the back of the head of Professor Quirrell.  Harry tries to fight Professor Quirrell and uses unknown magic from his hands.  Harry passess out but Professor Quirrell is stopped.  Harry and his friends live another day and win the Hogwarts House Cup.

I am currently reading the second book called Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.