Team Info:

  • Bain” Bookmasters” Team
  • Mrs. Blackmon
  • Ryan L., Jackson F., Abigail F., Ty E., Sowshikha V., and Spencer P.

Summary of Novel:

Molly Moon

Molly Moon’s incredible Book of Hypnotism is about a young girl who lives in a orphanage who later discovers that she has great talents. In this summary we will explain her story.

Our story begins at the hardwick house the orphanage that Molly atends. Molly is in the bathtub when the door bursts open and Mrs.Adderstone the head of orphanage comes in and finds Molly in 3 in more water then she is supposed to. Trouble again for Molly two more weeks of chores.  Later that day she sneaks off to the library and gets a book called hypnotism.  She uses the book to hypnotize her way into winning the Briersville talent show. She won a grand total of 1000 euros. After that she hypnotized Mrs.Adderstone and the orphanage chef to drive her to the airport so she could take a plane to New York to find and take Rocky from the people who adopted him.   There she ran into trouble with an evil professor named Nockman who wanted that book to do his own evil schemes. His plan was to rob the biggest bank in New York–Shurrings Bank. So Molly and Rocky tried to do their best to keep the book away from the evil professor. Molly later discovers that Rocky contains the same power that she does and with their powers combined they easily can stop Nockman. Nockman tried to use the two kids to help rob the bank. They agreed, but what he did not know is that the kids made a plan to trick Nockman. Their plan was when Nockman was not looking to sneak all of the money and jewels into garden gnomes. Then they would call the cops pretending to be Nockman saying that they would hide the gnomes around the city containing the money. Soon the gnomes were all found and safely returned to the bank. Then Molly and Rocky hypnotized Nockman into believing that he was their servant and he drove them to the airport where he took a plane back to Briersville. When they got back to the orphanage they found it a mess and had to seek really hard to find all of the children. All of them together quickly cleaned the orphanage, made food, and built a fire to stay warm. Together they lived in peace at the orphanage together.

 Molly Moon Sock Puppet Show