Challenge:  #1 Elementary

School Name:  Glenn C. Marlow Elementary

Team Members:  Matthew and Timothy

Group Facilitators:  Karen Whiting and Lynne Fender

Book Summary:

Number the Stars by Lois Lowry is a book about two girls, Anne Marie and Ellen, who struggle to survive during World War II.  Ellen is Jewish and is Anne Marie’s best friend and neighbor.  As the Nazis move into Denmark, Anne Marie and her family must help Ellen and her family escape to Sweden.  It is a scary adventure as so many courageous characters rise up to assist with the escape.  Anne Marie goes the extra mile as a friend to help Ellen stay safe against the Nazi regime.


For this challenge, we created an invention to use against the Nazis and their dogs to prevent them from finding hidden Jewish refugees.  Learn all about it:

Invention: Chemical Attack!