Challenge:  #1 Elementary

School Name:  Hendersonville Elementary

Team Members:  Ellie, Charles, Henry, Elijah, Rodney, John, Ellery, and Alex

Group Facilitators:  April Summey

Please watch the video, which contains our creation to help the characters from A Long Walk to Water.  Everyday they walk to get water and when they get there, they are so thirsty and want to drink some water.  Unfortunately, drinking dirty water can led to lots of diseases and even death!  We made a basket out of morning glory vines by weaving.  We included a container for the characters to carry clean water in so they can drink it when they get to the water source without getting sick.  Then, they can use the container to put the dirty water in so it can be sterilized.


Novel Summary:

The novel is the true story of Salva Dut Ariik, who was separated from his family due to war in Sudan.  He is forced to travel hundreds of miles and he encounters many hardships and sees many deaths along the way.  He eventually leads a group of boys safely to Kenya. He is able to move to the United States where he learns English and goes to college.  He makes it his mission to travel back to Sudan and make a difference when he discovers that his father is still alive, but very sick due to drinking dirty water.  He establishes a foundation that drills wells for the Sudanese people so they don’t have to walk so far to get clean water. The novel also tells the story of Nya, who walks long distances daily to find water for her family.  Nya and Salva eventually meet when Salva digs his first well for her village.