Katniss For Animals

                                                                    Teacher: Stacey Hoy
                                                   Participating Student: Madison Hensley
       Summary of Novel (The Hunger Games):

Katniss is living in District 12, when the day of the Reaping ( When they choose a boy and girl from each district to fight to the death ), comes. Her sister, Prim, is picked, and Katniss volunteers to go in her place. She ends up going with Peeta Mellark, a boy who likes her. When they go into the arena they fight hard, and there are many tragic deaths. In the end, Katniss ends up defying the capitol, angering them.

I think that Katniss would never want to see another being suffer after all she’s been through. You may be thinking: But Katniss kills animals! That’s true, but ask yourself: Does she torture, chain, or enslave them and then afterwards, brutally murder them with machines? No. So I have written a story that represents only a small fraction of the horrible things that happen to animals every day.

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