Team Info:

  • Bain” Bookmasters” Team
  • Mrs. Blackmon
  • Ryan L., Jackson F., Abigail F., Ty E., Sowshikha V., and Spencer P.

Summary of Novel:

Hugo Cabret

Hugo Cabret is about a boy that lives in the walls of a train station in Paris. Hugo’s father was killed in a fire and he lives with his uncle. His uncle is the clock keeper who runs the clocks in the train station. Hugo helps his uncle and one day his uncle goes missing. Hugo is by himself pretending that his uncle is still alive, doing everything his uncle use to do and taking care of the clocks. He has no family, friends or money and is all alone.

Before his father had died they both were restoring an automation that looked like a mechanical man. So in his free time Hugo tries to fix the automaton that his father had found in a museum where he worked. This is all he has left of his father, a broken automaton with a book that tells directions of how to fix it. Hugo thinks when he is done fixing it will tell a message from his father. Hugo does not have the tools to fix it so he steals from a toy booth at the station.

One day the man who owns the toy booth catches Hugo stilling from the booth and tells Hugo to empty his pockets. Hugo empties the pocket with the items he stole but the man tells him to empty his other pocket to which Hugo is forced to do. Hugo empties out the book that tells him the directions to fix the automaton. The man threatens he will burn it if Hugo does not tell him what the book is for. After that he meets a girl that is the man’s daughter, Isabelle. And she tells Hugo she will not let him burn it. The man makes Hugo work if he wants the book back.

One day Hugo follows Isabelle home to search for the book. When they are there Hugo’s arm got hurt and Isabelle’s arm gets broken and papers fall out of a drawer, and the man hears this racket and comes and quickly picks up the papers. After this Hugo is quickly throw-out the house. Hugo meets this “pirate” in the library and he takes them to the movies for free but the people working at the movies find out and Hugo and Isabelle cannot see the movie.

When Hugo finally gets the automaton fixed he needs a key and he sees a key that is around Isabelle’s neck so he snatches it and runs through the walls of the train station to the automaton and put the key in and cranked it up. At first it was just drawing lines so Hugo felt bummed but then Isabelle said come look its drawing something which it was. As the automation was drawing Hugo knew it was a drawing of a scene from his father’s favorite movie “A Trip to the Moon”.

When the drawing finished, both Hugo and Isabel were shocked when the automation signs “George Melies”. George Melies was the old man. Isabell tried taking the paper but accidently tore it in half. They then went to George Melies house and talked to his wife about what they had found. She was astonished by what she saw. Then she started to cry and asked us to try not to let George know about it. Then the door opened and we were told to hide. I looked around the room and saw something that didn’t look right so I told Isabelle’s to look. Then her chair broke and papers started flying. Then the door flew open and George started to cry. Old memories started to come back. He then told everyone to get out and he locked the door. Later George decides to start his old job again.

They all went to a presentation showing his films that were saved. He spoke during the performance and thanked one special person for helping him, that one special person was… Hugo Cabret.


Wonder is a book about how a deformed kid named August Pullman went to school for the first time in 5th grade. Auggie, as his family called him, lived with his mom, dad, and sister Via and a dog named Daisy. He was home schooled all his life but wanted to go to a real school and meet friends. He was fearful to meet the principal of Beecher Prep, Mr. Tushman.   He was given a tour of the school by a few students that would be in his classes. Jack Will was a very nice kid but Julian was not.

As Auggie settles into school, many kids ask him questions about his face. For example, Julian wanted to know if he was in a fire. He told them he was born with this face and just smiled. He became friends with Jack and Summer and sits with them at lunch. A rumor was going around that if someone touches him they have the plague and have 30 seconds to wash their hands. This hurt Auggie’s feeling.

Halloween was his favorite day of the year.   Auggie overheard his friend Jack say to Julian and others that he would kill himself if he looked like Auggie. At the time Jack was unaware that Auggie was hearing this.

Than the story perspective turns over to Via, Auggie’s sister. She explains that Auggie is the sun and they are planets evolving around him, everything they do is for him. The only one who puts her needs first is Grans, who is dead. Via is also having a hard time in school, since her best friend Miranda and Ella stopped talking to her over the summer since they did not see them a lot.   After the first day of school mother is more concerned about Auggie’s day than hers. When Auggie comes home early on Halloween she is confused because this is her day with mom. After Auggie explains what happens she tells him that some kids are always mean.

Then comes Summer’s point of view. Summer spends time with Auggie because she wants to be his friend, not because Mr. Tushman asked her to. Because Auggie is mad at Jack, Summer is his best friend. One day Auggie tells her about what Jack said. Then when Jack asks why Auggie is mad at him, she tells him Bleeding Scream.

The next point of view is Jack’s. Jack remembers seeing Auggie when they were very little. One day Julian tells him that being friends with Auggie in not worth it. Then Jack punches Julian in the face. Then Jack has to send an apology note to Julian. Then Auggie and Jack soon become friends again.

Then the point of view is Justin. Justin parents are divorced so he spends a lot of time with the Pullman family. In the school cast of “Our Town” Justin is the male lead while Via’s formal friend Miranda gets the female lead and Via was backup.

Then Auggie’s perspective is back. Things have gotten better at school because less and less people care about the “war” between Jack, August, and Julian. The Pullman family has an argument over if Auggie will come or not because she does not want to be known as the girl with the deformed brother. When Auggie is in bed their dog Daisy is very sick. When Auggie’s parents come home from the doctor Daisy is not there. She is dead. The death of Daisy makes Via forget about the argument so the whole family comes and the Pullman family gets an surprise via is the lead role.

Now it is Maranda point of view. She has not been talking to Via because she was in a camp in the summer and she was saying she had a deformed little brother to be popular. Maranda had no one watch her and she saw Via’s family their so she faked being sick to start a friendship with Via again.

The point of view goes back to Auggie. The fifth grade goes on a nature reserve field trip, everything goes great until the second day. When Jack has to go pee older boys from another school try to hurt Aggie and say mean comments. Somehow Miles, Henry, and Amos come help Auggie but one of the kids rips Auggie’s hearing aids off of his ear. After the incident Auggie becomes very popular and everyone is his friend. At the end of the school year he receives an award for courage and kindness. When he gets a standing ovation and after the ceremony his mother calls him a WONDER.

Talkos: A Talk Show with Guests Hugo and Auggie