Challenge #2

Bring two characters together from different novels to discuss or solve a problem.

I brought the two books, The Wolf Princess and The Twisted Window together. One of the main characters in each book got left behind somewhere and had to figure out a way to fix it. In my version of the mix, most of the story is going to be modified to fit the other. Although, the stories will also mostly be the same.

These are the two parts I will be mixing together: (are not exact words)

The Twisted Window by Lois Duncan

Tracy left with Brad to take Mindy back to Albuquerque and they stopped at a little cafe on the way to eat breakfast. Tracy got curious so she told Brad she was going to the bathroom, but she really went to use the cafe directory to call Brad’s mother. While talking to her, she found out that the little girl they took, her real name is Julianne and Mindy died 6 months prior. When she went back to the table where Brad and Julianne were at last, she found that she was left at the cafe alone. Now, she had to figure out a way to find Brad. A few hours later, Brad’s best friend, Jamie, came and picked Tracy up and together they went to find Brad.

The Wolf Princess by Cathryn Constable

Sophie and her two friends, Marianne and Delphine, were on a school trip in Russia and went with their guide, Dr.Starova, on a train. What they didn’t know was that the woman who went with them, wasn’t Dr.Starova and left them on the train by themselves. After a few more stops, the conductor asked the ladies for their tickets and then threw them and their luggage off the train at an almost abandoned train platform. The three girls found an office and stayed there for the night. In the morning, a man named Ivan found them and took them to where they needed to be.

Sophie walked into the cafe closest to the train platform she was thrown onto and sat down at the table nearest the heating vent. The cafe was nearly empty except for a woman, slightly older than Sophie, sitting a few tables away, drinking coffee. Sophie noticed that the woman didn’t look Russian and was looking around as if waiting for somebody. Sophie was zoned out thinking about what she should do, when a waitress walked up to her and asked her what she wanted to order. She ordered a hot chocolate, since she wasn’t much of a coffee drinker, and then decided to make her way over to the other woman. The woman looked at Sophie as she sat down across from her. Sophie was the first to speak, “Hey, I noticed you weren’t Russian so I thought I could ask for your help.”


“Oh, uh yeah I can do my best. I’m Tracy, and you are?” The woman, Tracy, replied sort of quietly.


Sophie shifted a bit in her seat and then came up with what she should say next. “I’m on a school trip and my guide left me on a train which I just got thrown off of. I don’t know where I am and I don’t know where I am going either.” Sophie said the last part while looking around the cafe, trying to see if there was anything that would tell her where she is.


Tracy nodded slowly to her, as if she was processing the information and trying to think of what to say next. “I am in a similar situation. I came here with a guy but he left me here and I don’t know anything about Russia.”


After coming to an understanding, they agreed that they would wait with each other until they figured out what to do. Sophie knew that she should probably get back to Saint Petersburg, where the rest of her school was. Tracy was trying to figure out a way to get back to her aunt and uncle in the U.S. The two of them probably went through about 6 coffees and hot chocolate, before they figured anything out. That they were 40 miles from Saint Petersburg. The cafe remained empty except for the two of them when a Russian man and woman walked in. The two of them looked around and then their eyes landed on the two girls. Tracy and Sophie warily looked at each other as the man and woman slowly made their way towards them. They stopped about 2 feet from the table and said something in Russian. “Приветствую молодых”. Sophie looked at the two, confused and a little frightened. When Tracy and Sophie said nothing, the Russian mad nodded twice then spoke again, this time in very bad english. “Hello, name Ivan. We here to take two girls to safety.”


Tracy and Sophie nodded and stood up, to follow the two of them. Right outside the door, the woman stopped them and spoke. “I am Jamie. I take Tracy to other place. Ivan take Sophie to princess.” Having said that, Jamie took Tracy’s hand and pulled her tightly in the opposite direction as Sophie was being pulled by Ivan.