Team Info:  Challenge #3 Bain Elementary School (Team A)

  • Bain “Smarties” Team
  • Mrs. Blackmon
  • Jackson C., Abby F., Mariah P., Montana H., Tristan B., and Lilly A.

Wonder Summary

A ten-year old boy named August (Auggie) Pullman is not an ordinary boy he has a genetic problem called mandibulofacial dysostosis which alters the way he looks. He doesn’t go to school and when he overhears his parents talking about how he should go to school he worries. He also had a space helmet that Miranda (Via’s former best friend) gave him for his birthday.   He wore  it everywhere for 3 years to hide the way his face looks. One night he went on a long drive to go see his  best friend Christopher. After he played over at Christopher’s house for awhile the Pullmans went back to their house. The drive home was long and tiring. Once they got home Auggie overheard his parents having a quarrel about whether or not he should go to Beecher Prep for 5th grade. He ended up going to the 5th grade at Beecher Prep Middle School, he did not regret their decision yet. But before the school year had started his mom took him on a tour to see the school. At this tour he met some kids from the school named Jack Will, Charlotte and Jullian. He met the very kind and accepting principal who cared about people’s character rather than their looks.Auggie soon became good friends with Jackwill at the beginning of the school year and charlotte was nice but there was something about Julian that seemed “unsettling”. A little later in the school year beecher prep had a day where kids were allowed to wear their halloween costumes. During this day Auggie overheard some kids talking about him by this point he was use to kids talking about him so he didn’t pay much attention  but then he realized it was a guy wearing the same costume as Jackwill. Could that be Jackwill?” After auggie found out that it was jackwill talking about him behind his back he suddenly got sick and went home and immediately ran to his room to cry.Later that day His sister Via came in and said their dog daisy (that played a very important role in auggies life) was very sick and needed to go to the vet.sadly his parents came home later and told him and via that daisy had died. After class pictures Julian went around school saying that his mom had photoshopped auggie out he also went around writing mean things in auggie and jack will’s lockers and said that he only did it because he had nightmares about auggie and that he was scared because of his face. Soon it was time for the field trip at a nature reserve and by this point Jack will and auggie were friends again so they were roommates in the cabin. During the field trip at the nature reserve there was a movie night except they were playing a movie everyone had seen and auggie had to go to the bathroom so Jack will went with him but they got beat up by some big 7th graders  but Miles and Amos Julians buddy’s stood up for him and when they got back to school they were buddy’s and it seemed as if the whole school was turned upside down because everyone wanted to be friends with auggie except Julian of course. Over the summer all the kids stayed in touch with mr.Brown auggie’s favorite teacher and sent him in a precept that they either came up with or heard/read from somewhere.Overall auggie ended up making a ton of new friends learned a valuable lesson or two and ended up not regretting his parents decisions even if he did get a little beat up along the way.


Hello and welcome to Global Complications. We have a couple special guest’s today…….

August Pullman, his sister Via Pullman, and Via’s best friend Miranda.  


Q: So what made you cut off the padawan braid Auggie?

A: Well I cut it off because Julian was bullying me about it. I was angry and irrational and  I just decided to cut it off so he could not tease me about it. I was kind of irritated at the entire world, I was just sick of being teased so I did not stay true to myself and I got rid of what he was teasing me about. I, in the end think it was a bad decision because I got rid of something I had pride in. I learned that sometimes standing out is better.


Q:  Via how did you feel when Auggie cut off his braid?

A: I was sort of upset because I knew that Auggie loved that braid. I knew that he always wanted to fit in, but I did not know that he would be that drastic. After I saw him do that I figured that something was wrong. I started to question Auggie but he just shut me out. I saw how Auggie was depressed. He was too focused on his outside appearance and fitting in that he lost his focus on what was most important, the inside, and to be a great person on the inside, you must stay true to yourself.


Q: Miranda, why did you spread those stories at camp?

A: Well honestly I was not true to myself at one point just like Auggie. My parents had just got divorced and it was hard for me. I could finally be a counsellor at my favorite camp but when I was the counsellor, people didn’t like me. So I thought of some things in my life like Auggie. I pretended that this was my life and I love Auggie like a brother so I just said that then later I realised I had taken Via’s life. I was always a bit jealous of her. I changed myself and was not popular but I felt immense guilt. I should have told them about the real me and not care what they thought.


Q: Auggie how did you feel when you lost your helmet?

A: I had felt very depressed when I lost my helmet. When I had it I felt like I could not be judged because nobody knew what face was under the astronaut helmet. But as we have talked about before I should have just embraced bring different and not worn the helmet to cover up my true self. I was happy that Dad threw it away because if not I would have not been as brave and I would have thought I could just solve my problems with that helmet, but now I am brave and overcome challenges everyday while still understanding that Via has them too.


Q:How did you feel when Miles, Henry, and Amos defended you when the Bullies came?

A:I felt scared initially when the 7th graders came,but when Miles, Henry, and Amos came to defend me and I felt happy to know I had more than one friend at the school and even though I scraped my elbow pretty bad it still felt good to know that they had my back.


Q:Why are you and Jack such close friends?

A:Even though me and jack had our ups and downs, at the end of the day he was kind to me and excepted not only as his friend but as a normal kid.