Team Info:

  • Inventors:
  • Whitney Saucier
  • Gwen Mabie
  • Shakiah Bess

Grover C. Fields Middle School

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Harry Potter has a quill that he uses to write down things he needs or wants. After writing down his item, Harry inserts the paper into the Necessitator, which will output the item Harry wants. After 3 days, the item will disappear magically. You cannot put paper into the machine if you use it for selfish, evil, or illegal purposes. In other words, you cannot use the machine if you are not a good enough person. We don’t want you getting spoiled!

This helps Harry because in the book, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, Harry spends eleven years in misery in the cupboard beneath the stairs at his Aunt and Uncle’s house. He does not get much food or anything that he wants or likes, and he is constantly mistreated and bullied by his cousin Dudley. This device can also help others who don’t have the things that they need. The Necessitator will not accept paper from greedy people, selfish people, or spoiled people. You must be in need to use this machine.