Team Info:

  • Ben D. Quinn Elementary
  • Rebekah Schehr
  • Hudson Coy

Summary of Novel:

My super fantastic invention for Peter and Fudge

By Hudson Coy

My invention is a portable trampoline.

The characters in my are Peter and Fudge from tales of a fourth grade nothing were Fudge and Peter get in a lot of unusual problems.


At the beginning of the book Peter wins a pet turtle at a birthday party and names the turtle dribble. Peters teacher assigned them a project.

Peter is doing the project and at the last day Fudge scribbles all over it and Peter gets really mad. Fudge goes to timeout and Peter has to redo his project.Fudge won’t eat so Peter’s Mom makes Peter stand on his head too make Fudge laugh so his Mom can shove food in his mouth.then after a week Fudge starts acting like a dog and eats under the table . his Dad gets sick of it and pulls Fudge too the shower were the Dad dumps food on Fudges head. Mom brings Peter and Fudge too the shoe store and Fudge has a giant fit so his Mom buys him a Balloon and that makes him stop throwing a fit so the Mom buys the shoes and they eat lunch at restaurant. Fudge keeps on throwing his vegetables and when they get home Fudge gets in time out. At the end of the book Fudge eats peters pet turtle dribble and gets taken to the ER and they find out that dribble kicked the bucket. Peter gets a pet dog and his mom wont let Fudge mess with the dog.

Fudge is stuck on top of a very tall jungle jim. He can’t let go or he will fall.

Peter notices a strange box under a tree nearby. He picks it up and pushes a button. It suddenly transformed into a weird trampoline (see invention). Fudge jumps down and lands safely on the trampoline.None got hurt and everybody was very very happy. THE End:]