Team Info:

  • Team Name: North Cove Lions
  • Sponsor Teacher: Mrs. English
  • Participating students: Brody Slagle, Christian Wilson

Summary of Novel:

The plot of Freckle Juice is Andrew wanted freckles. Sharon gave him the recipe for freckles. That day, he went home and mixed the ingredients (on the list). He thinks he is going to get freckles but he gets a green face and a sick stomach. Then his mom came in and asked what was wrong, and he moaned. Then he realized that Sharon had tricked him and he still wanted freckles, so he drew freckles on his face with a marker. He went to school that day and his teacher wondered what he had on his face. Then, his teacher gave him a “magic freckle remover” to wash  the marker off. It worked! So finally he was back to normal! Nicky Lane hated his freckles, so Sharon gave him a recipe for removing freckles too!(trick).

We chose freckle spray because Andrew wanted freckles all along so he would not have to go through all that trouble if he used freckle spray. Freckle spray is a simple spray that you squirt wherever you wanted and it would make freckles in that place.The freckle spray will stay on until you get in water or take a shower.