Team Info:

  • Team Name: North Cove Lions
  • Sponsor Teacher: Mrs. English
  • Participating students: Amelia White, Macy Slagle, Natalie Burnette

Summary of Novel:

Andrew wanted freckles. He went to school and he was counting Nicky Lane’s freckles. Sharon saw him counting Nicky Lane’s freckles and she told him that she knew a secret recipe. She gave him the recipe and when he got home, he tried it out. He had to put a lot of disgusting things in there. He had to put grape juice, vinegar, mustard, mayonnaise, juice from one lemon, pepper and salt, ketchup, olive oil, and a speck of onion, then mix it well. He got sick. That recipe did not work, so he had to get a blue marker and draw them on. When he got to school his teacher saw him. She told him that he could go and wipe them off. Then Nicky walked in and told Andrew that he did not like freckles. Andrew was shocked. Then Sharon told him that she has a recipe for him. Andrew knew that it was not true. Nicky followed along with her plan.

We chose freckle wipes because Andrew wanted freckles. Any time he wants freckles he can just wipe them on and if he does not want freckles he can just wipe them off.