By Kameron Burleson

Book Summary

Out Of The Dust is about a girl named Billie Jo who lived in Oklahoma when The Dust Bowl was going on.  She had the love for playing the piano, but she burnt her hands by touching kerosene. Her mom and her baby brother died. After that she went into a depression state for the loss. Shortly after her father met Louise, who Billie Jo did not like to begin with, but then she came to know her a little better and she accepted her for who she was. Challenge #1: In the book Out Of The Dust there was a shortage of rain.  The dust was wild and kept drying out and pulling out the crops. So, I invented an irrigation system that you can keep in your house to grow your crops. The advantages of the invention is that dust will not be blowing on the plants, the plants can be watered, and crops CAN ACTUALLY GROW. First, you put the water in the tank. Then you go under and turn the valve. Then it waters the plants.