Team Info:

  • Carver Elementary
  • Ms. Hale
  • Imali B

Summary of Novel:

Holes Summary

So first a boy named stanley yelnats was in court trying to tell the judge how the 1000 dollar shoes had fell out of the sky. But they didn’t believe him so he was given the choice to go to jail or to go to a boot camp. Camp Green Lake! He chose camp green lake and when he got there he was told dig to dig a 5 foot by 5 foot hole for no reason at all. One day his very good friend Zero got fed up and ran away then so did Stanley. Along the way we learn why he has bad luck. It was because of his no good rotten pig stealing great great grandfather. All his great great grandfather had to do was carry a lady up a mountain. After a very long and harsh journey he finds Zero eating something called sploosh and carried him up the mountain to safety and the rest is history. Stanley has good luck now and camp green lake is out of business. But only after the great great grandson of the man carried the great great grandson of the woman up the mountain.


 Your Content

Hello, my name is Imali Bynum, And I will be interviewing you today. So Stanley, let me ask you a question.
Have you ever been tempted to hurt someone physically or mentally?
Sometimes, yeah. But, if you do, then that’s just being mean, if those actions were repetitive, then that’s bullying. Bullying anyone, for any reason, is wrong in every way. Think about it this way: How would your actions affect those around you? How would this reflect on your reputation? And how would it affect your and the victim’s future?
If you do decide to bully others, know that it can affect them in a horrible way. It could cause depression, which is a state of despondency- a low state of spirits caused by a loss of hope or courage. But depression can lead to something physical, and most of the time much more serious, such as eating disorders. The most severe eating disorder in the United States is Anorexia Nervosa. Statistics show that Anorexia Nervosa takes six out of every thousand people (who have the disorder) lives a year in the U.S. But what about a physical bully? Well, I can still tell you it’s wrong and you need to stop immediately! Hurting anyone physically can cause severe damage to their body, and your actions can go on your permanent record, and in some cases, you could go to jail. So, for all those reasons, you shouldn’t bully anyone physically or mentally since it could (and most likely will) affect them in horrible ways. Plus, it’s just not worth the negative outcomes to those around you.
So for today, tomorrow, and for eternity, I pledge to never bully anyone, for any reason. I do not want to affect anyone in any negative way. Plus, why do anything that doesn’t a positive effect on yourself, or those around you? I know it would affect my future in an unforgettable way that could never be undone no matter what I do. Besides, I’d much rather spend my time helping others instead of hurting them. Bullying is a disease, a very deadly one. It can hurt people in so many ways, mentally and physically. And to some people, it’s an addiction. But this “disease” can be cured. It’s up to you to decide whether you’ll let it continue or not. Adults can’t stop all the bullying, but the people who just stand by and watch, and do nothing about it, can. So please, if you see someone, or yourself being bullied, stand up for yourself, and/or the victim, and tell someone. You have the opportunity to cure your school of this “so-called disease,” so take it, use it, and cure your school! You never know, a simple act of kindness saying, “hey, stop! That’s not very kind of you,” could save someone’s life one day, because like Aesop said, “no act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.”