Team Info:

  • Carver Elementary
  • Ms. Hale
  • Anna P, Ava B, and Andrew H

Summary of Novel:

The Whipping Boy Summary
The whipping boy is a old timey book about two kids who run away from the castle where they were being held in captivity  and get caught by outlaws and escape from them while the outlaws try to hunt them down and kill them they get to be with a lot of weird people like Betsy, petunia,potatoman ect. And finally got home after a long crazy trip.

Holes Summary
So first Stanley Yelnats is in cort explaning how a very important shoes that just fell from sky.No one belived him and he was given a choice to go to prison or go to a boot camp.He oviesly chose the boot camp called Camp Green Lake.The camp is located on a dried up lake in the midle of a desert.The camp made him and all the others dig holes for an unknown reason.Stanley soon made friends with the others in his group.Soon Zero one of Stanleys friends grew tierd of being called stupid and struck Mr.Pendancky/Mom in the head with a shevle and ran off.Stanley soon went after him and later found him under a boat called Marry Lou.

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