Challenge 1

Team Info:Carver ElementaryMs. HaleOlivia and Victoria Summary of Novel:Hatchet SummaryThis book is about a 13 year old boy named Bryan Roberson who is own his way to see his dad in Canada when all of a sudden the pilot has a heart attack and Bryan is forced to land...

Challenge 3

Team Info:Global GirlsSherrie WestLillian Jenkins, Yanisa Santiago, Liliana Perry Summary of Novel:This novel is about three kids in different time periods and different situations. Their problems were similar because their mission was to escape from where the were...

Power Blue

  [ Power Blue Sherrie West Logan Gnesa, Tyler Powell, Luca Jones Summary of Novel:                Summary By Tyler Powell, Logan Gnesa, Luca Jones ©PowerBlue This is a story of three young people in countries torn by prejudice and dictatorship. Each character is from...