This month, we have had the opportunity to celebrate 189 employees who have hit a 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, and 40-year milestone with WCU. As Chancellor Brown mentions, you have a combined total of 2,375 years of sheer dedication to Western Carolina University and the State of North Carolina! You are superstars!

Without you and the work you do, Western Carolina University would be incapable of serving our students and our community the way we do.

Although we were unable to celebrate in person this year, we appreciate our campus representatives for taking the time to share their gratitude. Most of all, to our honorees, THANK YOU for sharing your best self with Western Carolina University and your Catamount family!

Please take a moment to listen to Chancellor Brown’s meaningful message as we conclude our month-long celebration of the employees who hit a 5-year increment employment milestone with WCU and the State of North Carolina during the July 2019 – June 2020 fiscal year. So, if you have hit your employment milestone, use this month to celebrate yourself. Take time to reflect with admiration on your accomplishments and take time to look forward with anticipation!

In case you missed it, check out the previous messages.
Week 1 – Cory Causby, Associate Vice Chancellor for Human Resources.
Week 2 – Dr. Kadence Otto, Faculty Senate Chair
Week 3 – Mr. Ben Pendry, Staff Senate Chair