Staff Senate will be doing a “Meet the Senator Series” for this academic year, letting all staff know who their Senator representatives are. First in the line up of the “Meet the Senator Series” is our wonderful Staff Senate Chair, Betsy Aspinwall.

Dr. Aspinwall is the new Associate Dean of Students and this is her fifth year on Staff Senate. When she was asked Why Western? she responded with “I love the people, the community, and our commitment to students. When I first came to WCU in 2014 I thought I would stay 1-2 years and then move on, but I fell in love with the people here. I love how I can always rely on my colleagues across campus to do anything they can for our students.” We asked her what her favorite part of her job was and she stated “I love interacting with our students and helping to create community and a sense of belonging at WCU.” Did you know that Betsy also lives on a little farm in Dillsboro? Her favorite thing on the farm are the bees— She loves being a beekeeper! If you see Dr. Aspinwall out on campus, please be sure to congratulate her on her new role both as the Associate Dean of Students and Staff Senate Chair, and ask her about her bees. She is already doing a fantastic job in all of her new roles and we could not be more proud of her. It is evident that she really has a heart for students, staff, faculty and Western Carolina University.