Staff Senate will be doing a “Meet the Senator” series this academic year, letting all staff know who their Staff Senators are. In the spotlight this week is Kaitlin Ritchie. Kaitlin is the Associate Director in the Office of Global Engagement at WCU and this is the first year of her second term on Staff Senate. She is currently serving as the Community Service Liaison within Staff Senate and we are so glad to have her back on Senate and in this role! Kaitlin states “Western will always hold a special place in my heart. My parents worked here, and my dad worked here for over 30 years, so I grew up on this campus. I have seen it grow and flourish, and I feel like it has always stayed true to prioritizing and valuing accessibility, inclusivity, and innovation. I love that Western is big enough that there are a diverse array of academics, programming and people, yet small enough that you can walk across campus and still waive hello to several people you know.” She also loves that “Western is nestled in the mountains and that we are so close to trails, rivers and lakes to hike, mountain bike, kayak, and paddle board. The campus and region are beautiful. Driving into work and seeing the morning fog settled in the valley and mountains, with Western in the background, never gets old.” Some fun facts about Kaitlin are that she loves to hike and paddle board with her dog, Tallulah! We are so glad to have Kaitlin back on Staff Senate and look forward to working with her in this capacity for the next few years.