In response to a letter drafted in June 2020 by UNC System Faculty Assembly Chair David Green, UNC System Staff Assembly Chair Garrett Killian, and UNC Association of Student Governments President Isaiah then-Interim President Bill Roper and Green UNC Board of Governors Chair Randy Ramsey responded by forming the UNC System Racial Equity Task Force. The charge was to examine racial inequities in North Carolina’s public higher education system, explore how those disparities impact the experiences of students, faculty, staff, and communities, and arrive at an actionable path forward to build a culture of equity and inclusion across the System.

The UNC System Racial Equity Task Force, whose members include representation from the Board of Governors, students, faculty, and staff throughout the System, began its work by identifying three focus areas that are critical to establishing an equitable and inclusive working and learning environments across the UNC System: student recruitment, enrollment, and outcomes; employee recruitment, retention, and promotion; and safe, diverse, and inclusive campuses.

The final recommendations, available via this link, were shared in the December 4, 2020, public meeting.