Staff Senate Committees

In addition to working within the full group, each Staff Senator serves on one or more sub-committees, which operationalize most of the Senate’s activities. Below please find a listing of sub-committees, including their function and membership. Volunteers are welcome to join the committees and help expand the capacity of those committees to accomplish organizational goals. Please feel free to reach out to any member of the committee for a conversation. Requests to volunteer can be directed to the committee chair or co-chair.

Executive Committee

A decision-making body comprised of nine (9) Senator Officers and four (4) Committee Chairs.

The Senate Past Chair will continue on the committee in an advisory capacity.  For the past several years, the WCU Staff Senate has had at least one elected position who serves on the UNC Staff Assembly.  This individual will be invited to participate on the Executive Committee in an advisory capacity.


Governance committee oversees the bylaws and behind-the-scenes operations of the Senate. We are in charge of Senator and Exec elections, and assist the larger senate with any needs.

This committee is responsible for Senate nominations, elections and orientation for Senators and officers. This committee also keeps the bylaws up to date and addresses all issues and activities related to governance of the Senate.


Resources and Development

The Resources and Development committee works to understand and address staff concerns and proposals in the area of salary, benefits, job classification, privatization, staff development and training, diversity and inclusion, and other issues pertaining to human resources. Our goal is to serve as a bridge between WCU Human Resources and the Staff Senate to make the University more effective on behalf of staff.

Staff Engagement

This committee plans and coordinates Senate communications and seeks to increase staff engagement with the Senate. The committee maintains the Senate’s website and social media presence. This committee also seeks to increase employee service opportunities and regularly plans service events.



This committee leads the fundraising efforts for the Senate’s scholarship, reviews scholarship applications, and awards the scholarship annually. The committee reviews applications to fund awards and stipends for staff professional development throughout the year.