Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is comprised of the Senate Officers and led by the Senate Chair.
The membership of the Executive Committee shall consist of the six elected officers of the Staff Senate, the chairs of the four standing committees, and the appointed UNC Staff Assembly representative.
The Senate Past Chair will continue on the committee in an advisory capacity. When a WCU staff member is elected to serve in an executive position on the UNC Staff Assembly, this individual will be invited to participate on the WCU Staff Senate Executive Committee in an advisory capacity.
The Executive Committee shall meet monthly or as needed to set the agenda of all Staff Senate meetings and to determine the appropriate discussion and disbursement of all issues and concerns which come to the Staff Senate (e.g., referral to a standing committee; establishment of a special committee or task force to consider an issue; referral to an administrative unit for clarification; placement on the agenda of the Staff Senate, etc.)
Melissa Day
Catherine MacCallum
Zachary Williams
Past Chair
Joyce Carpenter
Dana Boyer
Sidar Sahin
Brandy Henning
Regina Aton
Resources and Development Committee Chair
Kaitlin Ritchie
Staff Engagement Committee Chair
Emily Giarette
Scholarship Committee Chair
Ryan Fisher
Governance Committee Chair
Alex Fields
UNC Staff Assembly Representative