Past Achievements
2019 EHRA Salary Support
Whereas, in years when the employees of the University of North Carolina system are granted pay increases, either for cost of living adjustments, or based on meritorious service, they are generally granted to both EHRA and SHRA employees; however, in the most recent legislative cycles, the increase was funded for SHRA employees only; and,
Whereas, members of the Staff Senate are deeply grateful for any increase extended by the legislature (and particularly for the establishment of the minimum salary floor), we wish to express our strong preference for keeping those increases equitable among both EHRA and SHRA employees; and,
Whereas, mandating an increase to one employee type, while choosing to hold salaries steady for the other, creates an atmosphere of unfairness, undermines the strong relationships between employees, and lessens morale and trust; and,
Whereas, an important part of the strength and productivity of the campus environment is the equity and fairness that characterizes the relationships between various campus contingents and their standing within the larger system (even when EHRA and SHRA employees serve differing campus roles to some extent); and,
Whereas, we understand and appreciate the very difficult position of campus leadership and the legislative bodies that have more funding requests than available funds, we reiterate that any increase to employee salaries is greatly appreciated, and hope that extra consideration will be given to equity between employee classifications as salary adjustments are considered in future cycles.
Now, therefore, be it resolved, that the Staff Senate at Western Carolina University wishes to publicly declare support for EHRA salary increases comparable to what was granted to SHRA employees during the 2018-19 legislative session. In the future, we strongly recommend that pay raises are extended across the board, or for merit increases, independent of EHRA or SHRA status., therefore, be it resolved, that the Staff Senate at Western Carolina University wishes to publicly declare support for EHRA salary increases comparable to what was granted to SHRA employees during the 2018-19 legislative session. In the future, we strongly recommend that pay raises are extended across the board, or for merit increases, independent of EHRA or SHRA status.