In-person consultations with the CFC at Biltmore Park

In-person consultations at Biltmore Park on Thursdays!

WCU’s teaching and learning center, the Coulter Faculty Commons, is pleased to continue our in-person consultation services at Biltmore Park. Our educational developer Anabel Livengood is available for in-person consultations at Biltmore Park every Thursday this spring semester. Whether you want to fine-tune an assignment, explore active learning strategies, or just chat about your course, we’re here for you.

Schedule your consultation with Anabel today! If you don’t see a time that works for you, email Anabel at or meet with one of our other consultants, Eli Collins-Brown, April Tallant, and Scott Seagle, virtually or when you visit main campus.

How is your teaching going? Find out with a TAP

Teaching Analysis Polls (TAPs) return this Spring Semester

Save your spot now & register! 

The Coulter Faculty Commons is excited to announce the return of Teaching Analysis Polls (TAPs) this spring, the CFC’s mid-semester assessment program!  

Why sign up for a TAP? 

Unlike end-of-semester surveys, a TAP provides actionable mid-semester feedback from your students. Use it to: 

  • Improve student learning: Make small teaching changes now and see the benefits for your current class. 
  • Promote inclusive teaching: Show students you value their input by collecting feedback and making meaningful changes. 
  • Document your teaching: Highlight your responsiveness to student needs in your teaching materials.

TAPs are completely confidential. New this year, we’re offering in-person options at both the main campus and Biltmore Park, as well as online options for evening or remote classes. 

Registration is open now to all instructors teaching at WCU. Please reach out to Anabel Livengood at if you have any questions.

Interdisciplinary Brown-bag Reading Group: Grounded Teaching and Learning Amid Disaster

Join our latest reading group!

You are invited to join an interdisciplinary brown-bag reading group on the topic of teaching during and after disasters. The reading group is facilitated by Lyn Burkett, Assistant Professor of Practice, School of Music, & Sarah Jackson, Assistant Professor, Emergency & Disaster Management.

In the shadows of crises, how are WCU faculty teaching? How are students learning? Through critical reading and case studies, we will uncover ways to navigate teaching and learning when both faculty and students are experiencing trauma. Given our recent experience with Hurricane Helene, our time together may provide insights to navigating that pedagogical landscape in future disaster scenarios. Our first meeting will be Monday, Jan 27, 12:30-1:30 pm in Coulter Faculty Commons Course Design Studio (Hunter Library 166). Other meeting dates will be decided at the first meeting. Limited hard copies of books are available to participants.


CFC Open House

You’re Invited to Our Open House! 

Join WCU’s teaching center on Wednesday, Feb 12, from 10:30 am – 1:30 pm for a relaxed and engaging Open House at the Coulter Faculty Commons (CFC)! 

This is your opportunity to: 

  • Connect with colleagues from across campus. 
  • Meet our team and discover how we can support your work. 
  • Explore interactive stations featuring trivia and practical active learning ideas to take with you. 

Refreshments will be provided. Drop by, say hello, and leave with inspiration for your teaching and connections to enrich your work. 

You can find us on the first floor of Hunter Library.  

We look forward to welcoming you! 

Flyer for Coulter Faculty Common's Open House on Wednesday February 12.

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Faculty Learning Community


Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Faculty Learning Community Interest Meeting

Friday, Jan 24 | 2:30 – 3:30 pm | Hunter Library 166

Coulter Faculty Commons is thrilled to announce the launch of a Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Faculty Learning Community (FLC) for Spring 2025! This exciting opportunity invites educators across disciplines to explore evidence-based teaching practices, exchange experiences, and grow as instructors through the lens of SoTL, meeting five times over the Spring semester.  

Join our FLC interest meeting on Friday, Jan 24, 2:30–3:30 pm in HL 166 (Coulter Faculty Commons Course Design Studio) to learn more, decide on upcoming meeting times, and to gain priority access to upcoming SoTL initiatives. Reach out to Faculty Fellows Chad Hallyburton, Darby Harris or CFC Senior Educational Developer April Tallant if you have questions.