HES Cubcat Team Members:  Eliie, Ellery, Charles, Elijah, Alex, John, Henry, and Rodney

Team Facilitator: April Summey

Please click here to see our Storyboard.

We created a Storyboard where Sal, from Walk Two Moons, and Billie Jo, from Out of the Dust meet.  Both of them have been through tragedies and they help each other through it.  If you haven’t read both books, there are spoilers.

Walk Two Moons Summary:

In this story, Sal is on a trip with her grandparents to go to Idaho for her mother’s birthday (her mother left her and her dad to go to Idaho). Sal starts telling her grandparents a story about her new friends from Kentucky.  As they travel across the country, they visit all of the places that Sal’s mother visited as well. Sal tells them about the adventures her and her friend, Phoebe Winterbottom have had. Along the way, she hears many stories about her grandparents and finds a way to cope with a tragedy that she has kept bottled up inside.   

Out of the Dust Summary:

In this story, Billie Jo lives in Oklahoma during the Dust Bowl.  She loves to play piano and she struggles when she loses her ability to play.  She also loses her mother and brother and she struggles finding a way through all the tragedies.  In the end, she finds a way to look forward to the future.